This should be the last one until I can determine how to correct an error message on the last disk (of the Dinner at Smugglers Cove).
I hope this batch is error free (<font color="ff0000">blush</font>)
<A HREF="http://photomail.photoworks.com/sharing ... 0603">Disk #4</A>
Fair winds and if you see errors or have corrections please let me know. :<)
S/V Rhapsody (the Orginal)
CD 25D
NE Fleet Rondy Disk #4
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Great Pictures - here's some Casco Bay and Lighthouse Info
Hi Bill:
Great pictures once again!
But since you were asking...
<em>I'm not aware of an Oakly Island, but there is a Wills Gut that is by Orr's Island (home of <a href=http://home.gwi.net/~oibw/> Orr's Island Boatworks </a> where Andronikos was repowered with a new Yanmar this past spring).
Wills Gut is nestled between Orr's and Bailey's Islands, which are connected via Sebascodegan (aka Great) Island to the mainland. Linking Bailey's and Orr's Islands at Wills Gut is a unique <a href=http://web.tampabay.rr.com/lhiggin2/ima ... >cribstone bridge</a> that is listed on the <a href=http://www.state.me.us/mdot/maint_op/co ... ileyis.htm> National Register of Historic Places and was designated an historic civil engineering landmark</a> in 1964.
I think that <a href=http://photomail.photoworks.com/sharing ... 15>Picture 19</a>, labelled "Light off Will Gut (Booth Bay Area)" is actually <a href=http://www.cr.nps.gov/maritime/light/ha ... tm>Halfway Rock Light</a>, which is just about smack dab in the middle of Casco Bay. Lighthouses in the Booth Bay area include <a href=http://www.cr.nps.gov/maritime/light/burntisl.htm> Burnt Island Light</a>, <a href=http://www.cr.nps.gov/maritime/light/ramisl.htm> Ram Island Light</a> and <a href=http://www.cr.nps.gov/maritime/light/cuckolds.htm> The Cuckolds</a>.
<a href=http://www.cr.nps.gov/maritime/light/seguin.htm>Seguin Light</a> is indeed near (south east of) Cape Small, about a mile off the entrance to the Kennebec River. I often experience the roughest seas during trips along the coast when I am in this area, although on my return from the Maine Cruise this year it was absolutely calm - no wind with a moderate fog, about 1 to 3 miles visibility. We really lucked out as within a half hour after we got back to our mooring in Falmouth, the fog really socked in. By the time the launch dropped us back a the dock, visibility was down to a couple hundred feet at best.
Respectfully Submitted,
Dave Potts
Great pictures once again!
But since you were asking...
<em>I'm not aware of an Oakly Island, but there is a Wills Gut that is by Orr's Island (home of <a href=http://home.gwi.net/~oibw/> Orr's Island Boatworks </a> where Andronikos was repowered with a new Yanmar this past spring).
Wills Gut is nestled between Orr's and Bailey's Islands, which are connected via Sebascodegan (aka Great) Island to the mainland. Linking Bailey's and Orr's Islands at Wills Gut is a unique <a href=http://web.tampabay.rr.com/lhiggin2/ima ... >cribstone bridge</a> that is listed on the <a href=http://www.state.me.us/mdot/maint_op/co ... ileyis.htm> National Register of Historic Places and was designated an historic civil engineering landmark</a> in 1964.
I think that <a href=http://photomail.photoworks.com/sharing ... 15>Picture 19</a>, labelled "Light off Will Gut (Booth Bay Area)" is actually <a href=http://www.cr.nps.gov/maritime/light/ha ... tm>Halfway Rock Light</a>, which is just about smack dab in the middle of Casco Bay. Lighthouses in the Booth Bay area include <a href=http://www.cr.nps.gov/maritime/light/burntisl.htm> Burnt Island Light</a>, <a href=http://www.cr.nps.gov/maritime/light/ramisl.htm> Ram Island Light</a> and <a href=http://www.cr.nps.gov/maritime/light/cuckolds.htm> The Cuckolds</a>.
<a href=http://www.cr.nps.gov/maritime/light/seguin.htm>Seguin Light</a> is indeed near (south east of) Cape Small, about a mile off the entrance to the Kennebec River. I often experience the roughest seas during trips along the coast when I am in this area, although on my return from the Maine Cruise this year it was absolutely calm - no wind with a moderate fog, about 1 to 3 miles visibility. We really lucked out as within a half hour after we got back to our mooring in Falmouth, the fog really socked in. By the time the launch dropped us back a the dock, visibility was down to a couple hundred feet at best.
Respectfully Submitted,
Dave Potts
Re: Great Pictures - here's some Casco Bay and Lighthouse In
Good Morning Dave
<B><U>Nothing</B></U> beats Local Knowledge!!!!!</P>
Thanks for the particulars! I have added the information to the photo album. I thought I had a close up of Halfway Rock Light, but I guess not!
Thanks and Fair Winds
<B><U>Nothing</B></U> beats Local Knowledge!!!!!</P>
Thanks for the particulars! I have added the information to the photo album. I thought I had a close up of Halfway Rock Light, but I guess not!
Thanks and Fair Winds
Dave Potts wrote: Hi Bill:
Great pictures once again!
But since you were asking...
<em>I'm not aware of an Oakly Island, but there is a Wills Gut that is by Orr's Island (home of <a href=http://home.gwi.net/~oibw/> Orr's Island Boatworks </a> where Andronikos was repowered with a new Yanmar this past spring).
Wills Gut is nestled between Orr's and Bailey's Islands, which are connected via Sebascodegan (aka Great) Island to the mainland. Linking Bailey's and Orr's Islands at Wills Gut is a unique <a href=http://web.tampabay.rr.com/lhiggin2/ima ... >cribstone bridge</a> that is listed on the <a href=http://www.state.me.us/mdot/maint_op/co ... ileyis.htm> National Register of Historic Places and was designated an historic civil engineering landmark</a> in 1964.
I think that <a href=http://photomail.photoworks.com/sharing ... 15>Picture 19</a>, labelled "Light off Will Gut (Booth Bay Area)" is actually <a href=http://www.cr.nps.gov/maritime/light/ha ... tm>Halfway Rock Light</a>, which is just about smack dab in the middle of Casco Bay. Lighthouses in the Booth Bay area include <a href=http://www.cr.nps.gov/maritime/light/burntisl.htm> Burnt Island Light</a>, <a href=http://www.cr.nps.gov/maritime/light/ramisl.htm> Ram Island Light</a> and <a href=http://www.cr.nps.gov/maritime/light/cuckolds.htm> The Cuckolds</a>.
<a href=http://www.cr.nps.gov/maritime/light/seguin.htm>Seguin Light</a> is indeed near (south east of) Cape Small, about a mile off the entrance to the Kennebec River. I often experience the roughest seas during trips along the coast when I am in this area, although on my return from the Maine Cruise this year it was absolutely calm - no wind with a moderate fog, about 1 to 3 miles visibility. We really lucked out as within a half hour after we got back to our mooring in Falmouth, the fog really socked in. By the time the launch dropped us back a the dock, visibility was down to a couple hundred feet at best.
Respectfully Submitted,
Dave Potts