Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

Moderator: Jim Walsh

Post Reply
Michael Heintz


Post by Michael Heintz »

Macht Nichts returns,

Made it back to Norwalk today, a full month of sailing, starting with the NE Rendezvous and ending up with a solo run of nine days or so!!!!!!

First, Thanks to Cathy & Bruce!!!!!!!!! They did so much work to prepare for the rendezvous, and Bruce did an incredible job as registrar!!!! I know the amount of work that went into it, and it was considerable!!!! Thanks again!!!!

Second, I think we should reconsider the ratings for the next CD Race, wide slow boats like the MK II should have a more favorable rating ,....heh heh........, this making it up at the captains meeting has to change :-) And Thanks Jack for your input :-)

The race was great, it was wonderful to see the fleet dashing away to Block Island, yes Jack that was me blasting away by you :-) Next year I think I’ll cut my dingy loose, I may have slipped under the line ahead of Heather Ann and Hanalei...... oh well......there is always next year.......I’ll see if I can get Cabin Boy to polish the bottom for next year’s race!!!!!!!

We had a wonderful time cruising Cape Cod, the weather cooperated with us and we had some incredible sails. Spent some time with My cousin Matt at Woods Hole, he had his first season with his boat this summer, and we had a bunch of sails together, Boy there is always some wind up there.

At this point my crew left, and I was on my own, looking forward to a solo cruise home.

Got fogged in at Woods Hole for a few days But finally made it out, had a nice run back to Block Island, with only one mishap. Had set the auto pilot, had a look and all looked clear, went below to grab something to eat, and Bam, hit something....saw a split lobster pot buoy and chuckled, until I felt a tug.......yup staged a line on the pot :-(... 20 miles out, in over a 100 feet of water and alone mmmmmmmmmm stuck on a pot. No worries, snapped on my harness, knife in mouth and swim ladder down, had a last look for sharks..:-) and prepared to go in and cut loose.....fortunately just as I went in the line popped free, I assume it was caught on my rudder. Hopped back on board and went below to see it I had any leaks at the rudder post or stuffing box... everything checked out ok and off I went!!!!!! Needless to say from that point on I kept a sharp look out for pots !!!!!

All was fine until the second night at Block, I anchored out way at the end of the anchorage, and felt pretty secure. I knew the wind was to pick up, so I had an early dinner ashore, by the time I got back, it was blowin like stink. I let out additional scope, but still did not feel comfortable, so I took my second anchor and deployed that with my dingy, well that was better, although I did not sleep well, had left the radio on and heard that boats were dragging..... Tow Boat was called as well as the Coast Guard, and the Block Island Harbormaster, I could see all the activity, and it did not look pretty. As far as I know, no one was hurt or damaged, but it was an uneasy night. Fortunately I did not drag!!!!!!!! First thing in the am went looking for a mooring ( as the wind was to pick up during the day ) I found an empty mooring, marked it with a life jacket and dinked back to Macht Nichts, pulled up both anchors, no easy task in those winds....Dick, I needed your new windless, anyway got to a mooring and collapsed, not enough sleep and a good workout getting repositioned on the mooring. I slept!!!!!

Had a nice sail to Stonington, thought about going in to Watch Hill again, but opted for a mooring at Dodson’s, Jack, I was going to call you.... but I didn’t want to hear about that rating again heh heh, and Nan had gone home, and didn’t need any clams :-).

Left Stoington next day with some light fog, sailed along with a Non Such until the for socked in so bad you could barley see the bow of Macht Nichts!!!!! Creepy out there, with all those ferries, and yup,here comes one right at me, I had heard it and was blasting my horn, when he appeared not less that 20 yards off my port bow.........heart in mouth I watched three guys running around on their bridge, they fell off and I swung away, MAN way to close, If my heart was not in my mouth, I would have had a few choice words for them, but alas before I knew it they disappeared into the fog. A few moments later I spotted the Non Such, we pulled up along side each other, they apparently were just as close and we just both shook our heads, and faded away into the fog. I hit every mark on my GPS, and found one motorboat circling my next mark. He yelled over that his radar was broken, and could he follow me :-) I said ok heh heh but all I had was my GPS, well, it pretty funny to see him following behind doing 5 knots :-) By the end of the day my auto pilot gave out ( a short somewhere, kept popping the switch), but made it to the entrance of the Ct river, went in buoy by buoy, until I spotted the docks at Old Saybrook, immediately got a slip for the night, and tried to gather my wits!!!!!!

Next day out, GPS went down, would not aquire satellites, oh well back to the old ways, no auto piglet, no GPS, and fortunately no fog. Made it to Charles Island, where we all had met on our way to the Rendezvous, and then next day back to Norwalk!!!!!! I knew I could navigate and steer my own boat !!!!!!

Hope you all had a great cruise home, whada we going to do next year?

Michael Heintz
s/v Macht Nichts CD 30 MK II
Warren Kaplan


Post by Warren Kaplan »

Great adventure and you sure demonstrated a nice bit of seamanship!! Congratulations!

Warren Kaplan
S/V Sine Qua Non


Post by Zeida »

Those of us who followed the Fleet Rendezvous via the Internet, since our boats are way down south, appreciate your stories of the adventures encountered. After seeing the pictures that Cathy posted on the picture album, your boat looked mighty fine, as well as Bill Goldsmith's CD-27 Second Chance. I feel like I know you all. What a great feeling you must have after having brought Macht Nichts singlehanded back to your home port and dealing with all kinds of unexpected situations. Now is it really that the 31 is such a slower boat? I know she's a bit fat. How fast have you gotten her under sail? I have the CD-33 Bandolera II, out of Miami, Florida. Under my Universal diesel (Goldie) I get up to 6.5 knots - 7 if the seas help- under sail she goes pretty much the same. Way to go, sailor! Keep the stories coming!
Bandolera II
Catherine Monaghan


Post by Catherine Monaghan »


Glad to hear you made it back -- finally, you rat:-)

We haven't sailed since we returned from the rendezvous. It has rained every weekend since then here in NJ. It's supposed to rain this weekend as well :-( and there's no way we can sail during the week -- phooey!

We had a great trip too. When you start going through your mail, you'll find the latest Masthead. There's an article by yours truly in there -- the short version of our trip. I'm working on the long version for my website.

Anyway, we just got another three rolls of film back from Photoworks and I'm working on getting them added to the photo album. There's still one more roll to be developed. I'll let everyone know when the next batch of photos are available.

I really liked Milford. We stopped there on the way back home as well but stayed at the Milford Landing Marina on the river rather than anchoring by Charles Island again. It was very nice there and convenient to town, the shops and restaurants. They had alot of empty slips. If we had a segment of the rendezvous there next year, we could probably fill the place and the overflow, or those that want to save money, could anchor out be Charles Island or utilize one of the other marinas or yacht clubs on the river. We could then have a fleet sail or race across the Sound over to Huntington Harbor or Oyster Bay or something. After three rendezvous on eastern Long Island Sound, it's time for one at the western end. (Just ideas -- I hope other CDSOA members will add their two cents.)
CD32 <a href=" ... ization</a>, #3
Rahway, NJ
Raritan Bay

Michael Heintz wrote: Macht Nichts returns,

Made it back to Norwalk today, a full month of sailing, starting with the NE Rendezvous and ending up with a solo run of nine days or so!!!!!!

First, Thanks to Cathy & Bruce!!!!!!!!! They did so much work to prepare for the rendezvous, and Bruce did an incredible job as registrar!!!! I know the amount of work that went into it, and it was considerable!!!! Thanks again!!!!

Second, I think we should reconsider the ratings for the next CD Race, wide slow boats like the MK II should have a more favorable rating ,....heh heh........, this making it up at the captains meeting has to change :-) And Thanks Jack for your input :-)

The race was great, it was wonderful to see the fleet dashing away to Block Island, yes Jack that was me blasting away by you :-) Next year I think I’ll cut my dingy loose, I may have slipped under the line ahead of Heather Ann and Hanalei...... oh well......there is always next year.......I’ll see if I can get Cabin Boy to polish the bottom for next year’s race!!!!!!!

We had a wonderful time cruising Cape Cod, the weather cooperated with us and we had some incredible sails. Spent some time with My cousin Matt at Woods Hole, he had his first season with his boat this summer, and we had a bunch of sails together, Boy there is always some wind up there.

At this point my crew left, and I was on my own, looking forward to a solo cruise home.

Got fogged in at Woods Hole for a few days But finally made it out, had a nice run back to Block Island, with only one mishap. Had set the auto pilot, had a look and all looked clear, went below to grab something to eat, and Bam, hit something....saw a split lobster pot buoy and chuckled, until I felt a tug.......yup staged a line on the pot :-(... 20 miles out, in over a 100 feet of water and alone mmmmmmmmmm stuck on a pot. No worries, snapped on my harness, knife in mouth and swim ladder down, had a last look for sharks..:-) and prepared to go in and cut loose.....fortunately just as I went in the line popped free, I assume it was caught on my rudder. Hopped back on board and went below to see it I had any leaks at the rudder post or stuffing box... everything checked out ok and off I went!!!!!! Needless to say from that point on I kept a sharp look out for pots !!!!!

All was fine until the second night at Block, I anchored out way at the end of the anchorage, and felt pretty secure. I knew the wind was to pick up, so I had an early dinner ashore, by the time I got back, it was blowin like stink. I let out additional scope, but still did not feel comfortable, so I took my second anchor and deployed that with my dingy, well that was better, although I did not sleep well, had left the radio on and heard that boats were dragging..... Tow Boat was called as well as the Coast Guard, and the Block Island Harbormaster, I could see all the activity, and it did not look pretty. As far as I know, no one was hurt or damaged, but it was an uneasy night. Fortunately I did not drag!!!!!!!! First thing in the am went looking for a mooring ( as the wind was to pick up during the day ) I found an empty mooring, marked it with a life jacket and dinked back to Macht Nichts, pulled up both anchors, no easy task in those winds....Dick, I needed your new windless, anyway got to a mooring and collapsed, not enough sleep and a good workout getting repositioned on the mooring. I slept!!!!!

Had a nice sail to Stonington, thought about going in to Watch Hill again, but opted for a mooring at Dodson’s, Jack, I was going to call you.... but I didn’t want to hear about that rating again heh heh, and Nan had gone home, and didn’t need any clams :-).

Left Stoington next day with some light fog, sailed along with a Non Such until the for socked in so bad you could barley see the bow of Macht Nichts!!!!! Creepy out there, with all those ferries, and yup,here comes one right at me, I had heard it and was blasting my horn, when he appeared not less that 20 yards off my port bow.........heart in mouth I watched three guys running around on their bridge, they fell off and I swung away, MAN way to close, If my heart was not in my mouth, I would have had a few choice words for them, but alas before I knew it they disappeared into the fog. A few moments later I spotted the Non Such, we pulled up along side each other, they apparently were just as close and we just both shook our heads, and faded away into the fog. I hit every mark on my GPS, and found one motorboat circling my next mark. He yelled over that his radar was broken, and could he follow me :-) I said ok heh heh but all I had was my GPS, well, it pretty funny to see him following behind doing 5 knots :-) By the end of the day my auto pilot gave out ( a short somewhere, kept popping the switch), but made it to the entrance of the Ct river, went in buoy by buoy, until I spotted the docks at Old Saybrook, immediately got a slip for the night, and tried to gather my wits!!!!!!

Next day out, GPS went down, would not aquire satellites, oh well back to the old ways, no auto piglet, no GPS, and fortunately no fog. Made it to Charles Island, where we all had met on our way to the Rendezvous, and then next day back to Norwalk!!!!!! I knew I could navigate and steer my own boat !!!!!!

Hope you all had a great cruise home, whada we going to do next year?

Michael Heintz
s/v Macht Nichts CD 30 MK II
Don Sargeant


Post by Don Sargeant »

Three cheers for a Western LIS rendevous for those of us still employed.
Don Sargeant
~~COQUINA~~ etc.

Catherine Monaghan wrote: Michael,

Glad to hear you made it back -- finally, you rat:-)

We haven't sailed since we returned from the rendezvous. It has rained every weekend since then here in NJ. It's supposed to rain this weekend as well :-( and there's no way we can sail during the week -- phooey!

We had a great trip too. When you start going through your mail, you'll find the latest Masthead. There's an article by yours truly in there -- the short version of our trip. I'm working on the long version for my website.

Anyway, we just got another three rolls of film back from Photoworks and I'm working on getting them added to the photo album. There's still one more roll to be developed. I'll let everyone know when the next batch of photos are available.

I really liked Milford. We stopped there on the way back home as well but stayed at the Milford Landing Marina on the river rather than anchoring by Charles Island again. It was very nice there and convenient to town, the shops and restaurants. They had alot of empty slips. If we had a segment of the rendezvous there next year, we could probably fill the place and the overflow, or those that want to save money, could anchor out be Charles Island or utilize one of the other marinas or yacht clubs on the river. We could then have a fleet sail or race across the Sound over to Huntington Harbor or Oyster Bay or something. After three rendezvous on eastern Long Island Sound, it's time for one at the western end. (Just ideas -- I hope other CDSOA members will add their two cents.)
CD32 <a href=" ... ization</a>, #3
Rahway, NJ
Raritan Bay

Michael Heintz wrote: Macht Nichts returns,

Made it back to Norwalk today, a full month of sailing, starting with the NE Rendezvous and ending up with a solo run of nine days or so!!!!!!

First, Thanks to Cathy & Bruce!!!!!!!!! They did so much work to prepare for the rendezvous, and Bruce did an incredible job as registrar!!!! I know the amount of work that went into it, and it was considerable!!!! Thanks again!!!!

Second, I think we should reconsider the ratings for the next CD Race, wide slow boats like the MK II should have a more favorable rating ,....heh heh........, this making it up at the captains meeting has to change :-) And Thanks Jack for your input :-)

The race was great, it was wonderful to see the fleet dashing away to Block Island, yes Jack that was me blasting away by you :-) Next year I think I’ll cut my dingy loose, I may have slipped under the line ahead of Heather Ann and Hanalei...... oh well......there is always next year.......I’ll see if I can get Cabin Boy to polish the bottom for next year’s race!!!!!!!

We had a wonderful time cruising Cape Cod, the weather cooperated with us and we had some incredible sails. Spent some time with My cousin Matt at Woods Hole, he had his first season with his boat this summer, and we had a bunch of sails together, Boy there is always some wind up there.

At this point my crew left, and I was on my own, looking forward to a solo cruise home.

Got fogged in at Woods Hole for a few days But finally made it out, had a nice run back to Block Island, with only one mishap. Had set the auto pilot, had a look and all looked clear, went below to grab something to eat, and Bam, hit something....saw a split lobster pot buoy and chuckled, until I felt a tug.......yup staged a line on the pot :-(... 20 miles out, in over a 100 feet of water and alone mmmmmmmmmm stuck on a pot. No worries, snapped on my harness, knife in mouth and swim ladder down, had a last look for sharks..:-) and prepared to go in and cut loose.....fortunately just as I went in the line popped free, I assume it was caught on my rudder. Hopped back on board and went below to see it I had any leaks at the rudder post or stuffing box... everything checked out ok and off I went!!!!!! Needless to say from that point on I kept a sharp look out for pots !!!!!

All was fine until the second night at Block, I anchored out way at the end of the anchorage, and felt pretty secure. I knew the wind was to pick up, so I had an early dinner ashore, by the time I got back, it was blowin like stink. I let out additional scope, but still did not feel comfortable, so I took my second anchor and deployed that with my dingy, well that was better, although I did not sleep well, had left the radio on and heard that boats were dragging..... Tow Boat was called as well as the Coast Guard, and the Block Island Harbormaster, I could see all the activity, and it did not look pretty. As far as I know, no one was hurt or damaged, but it was an uneasy night. Fortunately I did not drag!!!!!!!! First thing in the am went looking for a mooring ( as the wind was to pick up during the day ) I found an empty mooring, marked it with a life jacket and dinked back to Macht Nichts, pulled up both anchors, no easy task in those winds....Dick, I needed your new windless, anyway got to a mooring and collapsed, not enough sleep and a good workout getting repositioned on the mooring. I slept!!!!!

Had a nice sail to Stonington, thought about going in to Watch Hill again, but opted for a mooring at Dodson’s, Jack, I was going to call you.... but I didn’t want to hear about that rating again heh heh, and Nan had gone home, and didn’t need any clams :-).

Left Stoington next day with some light fog, sailed along with a Non Such until the for socked in so bad you could barley see the bow of Macht Nichts!!!!! Creepy out there, with all those ferries, and yup,here comes one right at me, I had heard it and was blasting my horn, when he appeared not less that 20 yards off my port bow.........heart in mouth I watched three guys running around on their bridge, they fell off and I swung away, MAN way to close, If my heart was not in my mouth, I would have had a few choice words for them, but alas before I knew it they disappeared into the fog. A few moments later I spotted the Non Such, we pulled up along side each other, they apparently were just as close and we just both shook our heads, and faded away into the fog. I hit every mark on my GPS, and found one motorboat circling my next mark. He yelled over that his radar was broken, and could he follow me :-) I said ok heh heh but all I had was my GPS, well, it pretty funny to see him following behind doing 5 knots :-) By the end of the day my auto pilot gave out ( a short somewhere, kept popping the switch), but made it to the entrance of the Ct river, went in buoy by buoy, until I spotted the docks at Old Saybrook, immediately got a slip for the night, and tried to gather my wits!!!!!!

Next day out, GPS went down, would not aquire satellites, oh well back to the old ways, no auto piglet, no GPS, and fortunately no fog. Made it to Charles Island, where we all had met on our way to the Rendezvous, and then next day back to Norwalk!!!!!! I knew I could navigate and steer my own boat !!!!!!

Hope you all had a great cruise home, whada we going to do next year?

Michael Heintz
s/v Macht Nichts CD 30 MK II
Bill Goldsmith


Post by Bill Goldsmith »

I vote for the Western LIS rendezvous next year as well!!! There are lots of beautiful places to go.

Bill Goldsmith
Catherine Monaghan wrote: Michael,

Glad to hear you made it back -- finally, you rat:-)

We haven't sailed since we returned from the rendezvous. It has rained every weekend since then here in NJ. It's supposed to rain this weekend as well :-( and there's no way we can sail during the week -- phooey!

We had a great trip too. When you start going through your mail, you'll find the latest Masthead. There's an article by yours truly in there -- the short version of our trip. I'm working on the long version for my website.

Anyway, we just got another three rolls of film back from Photoworks and I'm working on getting them added to the photo album. There's still one more roll to be developed. I'll let everyone know when the next batch of photos are available.

I really liked Milford. We stopped there on the way back home as well but stayed at the Milford Landing Marina on the river rather than anchoring by Charles Island again. It was very nice there and convenient to town, the shops and restaurants. They had alot of empty slips. If we had a segment of the rendezvous there next year, we could probably fill the place and the overflow, or those that want to save money, could anchor out be Charles Island or utilize one of the other marinas or yacht clubs on the river. We could then have a fleet sail or race across the Sound over to Huntington Harbor or Oyster Bay or something. After three rendezvous on eastern Long Island Sound, it's time for one at the western end. (Just ideas -- I hope other CDSOA members will add their two cents.)
CD32 <a href=" ... ization</a>, #3
Rahway, NJ
Raritan Bay

Michael Heintz wrote: Macht Nichts returns,

Made it back to Norwalk today, a full month of sailing, starting with the NE Rendezvous and ending up with a solo run of nine days or so!!!!!!

First, Thanks to Cathy & Bruce!!!!!!!!! They did so much work to prepare for the rendezvous, and Bruce did an incredible job as registrar!!!! I know the amount of work that went into it, and it was considerable!!!! Thanks again!!!!

Second, I think we should reconsider the ratings for the next CD Race, wide slow boats like the MK II should have a more favorable rating ,....heh heh........, this making it up at the captains meeting has to change :-) And Thanks Jack for your input :-)

The race was great, it was wonderful to see the fleet dashing away to Block Island, yes Jack that was me blasting away by you :-) Next year I think I’ll cut my dingy loose, I may have slipped under the line ahead of Heather Ann and Hanalei...... oh well......there is always next year.......I’ll see if I can get Cabin Boy to polish the bottom for next year’s race!!!!!!!

We had a wonderful time cruising Cape Cod, the weather cooperated with us and we had some incredible sails. Spent some time with My cousin Matt at Woods Hole, he had his first season with his boat this summer, and we had a bunch of sails together, Boy there is always some wind up there.

At this point my crew left, and I was on my own, looking forward to a solo cruise home.

Got fogged in at Woods Hole for a few days But finally made it out, had a nice run back to Block Island, with only one mishap. Had set the auto pilot, had a look and all looked clear, went below to grab something to eat, and Bam, hit something....saw a split lobster pot buoy and chuckled, until I felt a tug.......yup staged a line on the pot :-(... 20 miles out, in over a 100 feet of water and alone mmmmmmmmmm stuck on a pot. No worries, snapped on my harness, knife in mouth and swim ladder down, had a last look for sharks..:-) and prepared to go in and cut loose.....fortunately just as I went in the line popped free, I assume it was caught on my rudder. Hopped back on board and went below to see it I had any leaks at the rudder post or stuffing box... everything checked out ok and off I went!!!!!! Needless to say from that point on I kept a sharp look out for pots !!!!!

All was fine until the second night at Block, I anchored out way at the end of the anchorage, and felt pretty secure. I knew the wind was to pick up, so I had an early dinner ashore, by the time I got back, it was blowin like stink. I let out additional scope, but still did not feel comfortable, so I took my second anchor and deployed that with my dingy, well that was better, although I did not sleep well, had left the radio on and heard that boats were dragging..... Tow Boat was called as well as the Coast Guard, and the Block Island Harbormaster, I could see all the activity, and it did not look pretty. As far as I know, no one was hurt or damaged, but it was an uneasy night. Fortunately I did not drag!!!!!!!! First thing in the am went looking for a mooring ( as the wind was to pick up during the day ) I found an empty mooring, marked it with a life jacket and dinked back to Macht Nichts, pulled up both anchors, no easy task in those winds....Dick, I needed your new windless, anyway got to a mooring and collapsed, not enough sleep and a good workout getting repositioned on the mooring. I slept!!!!!

Had a nice sail to Stonington, thought about going in to Watch Hill again, but opted for a mooring at Dodson’s, Jack, I was going to call you.... but I didn’t want to hear about that rating again heh heh, and Nan had gone home, and didn’t need any clams :-).

Left Stoington next day with some light fog, sailed along with a Non Such until the for socked in so bad you could barley see the bow of Macht Nichts!!!!! Creepy out there, with all those ferries, and yup,here comes one right at me, I had heard it and was blasting my horn, when he appeared not less that 20 yards off my port bow.........heart in mouth I watched three guys running around on their bridge, they fell off and I swung away, MAN way to close, If my heart was not in my mouth, I would have had a few choice words for them, but alas before I knew it they disappeared into the fog. A few moments later I spotted the Non Such, we pulled up along side each other, they apparently were just as close and we just both shook our heads, and faded away into the fog. I hit every mark on my GPS, and found one motorboat circling my next mark. He yelled over that his radar was broken, and could he follow me :-) I said ok heh heh but all I had was my GPS, well, it pretty funny to see him following behind doing 5 knots :-) By the end of the day my auto pilot gave out ( a short somewhere, kept popping the switch), but made it to the entrance of the Ct river, went in buoy by buoy, until I spotted the docks at Old Saybrook, immediately got a slip for the night, and tried to gather my wits!!!!!!

Next day out, GPS went down, would not aquire satellites, oh well back to the old ways, no auto piglet, no GPS, and fortunately no fog. Made it to Charles Island, where we all had met on our way to the Rendezvous, and then next day back to Norwalk!!!!!! I knew I could navigate and steer my own boat !!!!!!

Hope you all had a great cruise home, whada we going to do next year?

Michael Heintz
s/v Macht Nichts CD 30 MK II
Warren Kaplan


Post by Warren Kaplan »

Western Sound is okay for me. Sine Qua Non will probably have a new home in Oyster Bay next year. Plenty of great places including City Island in the western sound. Just pack plenty of diesel as the wind sometimes goes on vacation.

Warren kaplan
S/V Sine Qua Non
Rich Reynolds


Post by Rich Reynolds »

Hello all,

I'd like to cast my vote for a Western Long Island Sound
Rendezvous next year also. Unfortunately, there are a lot of
us at this end of the Sound that can't afford to take off
for two weeks or more to attend a distant Rendezvous. Oyster Bay and
Cold Spring Harbor would be great locations, with many yacht
clubs to provide shore facilities. Anyone out there a member of
Sewanakha Corinthian YC? ;-)

-Rich Reynolds, crew and bartender
S/V Tanqueray, Glen Cove Yacht Club
Michael Heintz

Western LI Redezvous

Post by Michael Heintz »


Not a bad idea..... Actually Dick Feffer-Adamarie- Larry Austin- Layla-and myself-Macht Nichts- just had a mini Western LI rendezvous for MK II's Met up with them yesterday in Northport. Had a good visit and I filled them in on the rest of our Rendezvous. Just got back but had to go out sailing again :-)

Of course the only problem for me with a Western LI rendezvous, is that I won't have to sail anywhere...:-)

Looks like the responce so far has been positive!!!!!

Now that I'm home I guess I better focus on work, and getting things repaired. Found out that the antenna for my Garmin stopped working... just ordered new one....Auto pilot will have to be sent in for repairs. Many other smal mantanence issue's to be delt with, It's funny when your out sailing for a month, the things you notice need repairing.

I've just got back my pictures of the rendezvous, I'll edit the good ones. If I scan them can you get them posted on the net for me?

Got a great shot of Pirate Stump, hook hand and all :-)

Michael Heintz
s/v Macht Nichts CD 30 MK II
mike mascaros

Re: Western LI Redezvous

Post by mike mascaros »

hi michael.....
its good to hear all the good times you had after the rdzvs...i cant forget running next to you towards block is. with some choppy seas and winds on the nose wish i had stuck around a few more days out east but had to get back to centerport that others i had some problems with the boat that required attention like engine
electrical pannel completly dead after going thru plum gut so instead of overnite stop in matittuk we trucked on to huntington...winds south west at 25 gusty to 30 kts not bad cruising all sails up no reef and running about 1 mile off shore...what a ride left block island at 530 am and by eatons neck light house by mid nite ...
anyway michael and all cape dorians looks like all wlis folks have their harts set on next randezvous close to home...i also cast my vote in the same direction...great places for a get together...from manhasett bay to port jefferson...i like huntington bay for its open and protected facilities...
well i like to thank all you folks for the good times myself and crew had during our get together..looking forward to next year rdvz .
s/v compinche cd30c 119
Catherine Monaghan

Re: Western LI Redezvous

Post by Catherine Monaghan »


I think it would be a nice sail from Norwalk across the Sound to one of the bays on Long Island's north shore. So you'll get to do some sailing -- provided there's wind. Or how about two ports of call instead of three. How about one on western LIS and the other somewhere in NY Harbor -- like City Island and Jersey City!. And a full day at each port (a sailing day to get there followed by a day in port to visit with the other boats and/or see the sights).

Come on everybody, let's hear some more suggestions.
CD32 Realization, #3
Rahway, NJ
Raritan Bay

Michael Heintz wrote: Cathy,

Not a bad idea..... Actually Dick Feffer-Adamarie- Larry Austin- Layla-and myself-Macht Nichts- just had a mini Western LI rendezvous for MK II's Met up with them yesterday in Northport. Had a good visit and I filled them in on the rest of our Rendezvous. Just got back but had to go out sailing again :-)

Of course the only problem for me with a Western LI rendezvous, is that I won't have to sail anywhere...:-)

Looks like the responce so far has been positive!!!!!

Now that I'm home I guess I better focus on work, and getting things repaired. Found out that the antenna for my Garmin stopped working... just ordered new one....Auto pilot will have to be sent in for repairs. Many other smal mantanence issue's to be delt with, It's funny when your out sailing for a month, the things you notice need repairing.

I've just got back my pictures of the rendezvous, I'll edit the good ones. If I scan them can you get them posted on the net for me?

Got a great shot of Pirate Stump, hook hand and all :-)

Michael Heintz
s/v Macht Nichts CD 30 MK II
Ed Haley

Re: Western LI Redezvous

Post by Ed Haley »

I definitely enjoyed City Island and the Harlem YC. There's a lot of friendly people: the sailing and non-sailing folk alike. While having dinner at the Harlem YC, thank goodness a nice looking lady sitting at a table next to me thought that she recognized me. I immediately indicated to her that she was my long-lost sister! I slid over and gave her a kiss. It really wasn't my sister but it was a nice way of meeting someone!!! I also met a nice lady who, at over 80 years old, continues to singlehand her own 35 foot sailboat.

Each and every port had a unique flavor that I'm still relishing. I'm sure that places we didn't visit have their own charm just waiting to be experienced.

For me, it was a first -time visit to the sound. Thanks to Bruce and Cathy (and this message board), I have a new perspective of sailing on Long Island Sound. For a Great Lakes sailor, the next trip will be nothing more than going down the Hudson River and turn left at the Statue of Liberty. Oh, yeah, I almost forgot. I have to keep referring to the Eldridge Tide and Pilot Book. I suppose I'll have to get one of them.

Cathy, wherever you plan to go next year will be as rewarding as this year's CDSOA rendezvous. It's the people you meet more than the places you go that make gettogethers fun. If more of the same crew show up, it will be an outstanding success. I hope we can recruit Dave Stump to "pirateer" DeLaMer (Larry DeMers and his wife) and bring them to our rendezvous. Can you imagine the stories?!?!?!
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