CD25 Cover Closed w/Plugged Ports (& Block Isle Comments

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CD25 Cover Closed w/Plugged Ports (& Block Isle Comments

Post by Jon »

Hi All,

It was great seeing some new faces and familiar names at Block Island. 'Happy to see the CD25s out in force, and I hope all had a good sail back, as did this crew. My hat's off to Don Carr & his salty crew - Lolita is a real gem. After nearly 3wks on the water, we are glad to be home!

As suggested somewhere on this board, I plugged the upper exhaust ports on my Johnson 8hp (2 cycle). All of the exhaust now comes out the bottom and leaves the well full of clean air for the motor to breath. I experimented with this for most of a day.

The motor seems to run fine now with the cover closed, even going downwind in about 3-5kts of wind. In the one day of experimenting, I found it was a little more difficult to restart when the engine was warm - it took 2 or 3 pulls. Also, the motor did stall once at low idle.

I know experiences will vary by engine make, but does anyone have any long term experience with plugged upper exhaust ports on an outboard?

Any thoughts?

CD25 #625
Don Carr

Re: Block Isle Comments

Post by Don Carr »

It was great meeting you and Thanks for the kudos. My hat's off to you
and your family. Showing us all how to make the most of the 25. Sometimes less is more.. BTW.. Thanks so much for the tip on the Harken traveler track. I also enjoyed your pics of LEFTY , he's a cool

The sail back was uneventful but welcomed after the sail out to the Island. I then turned around and helped Chuck Major sail his 'new' Typhoon Weekender from Nantucket to Fair Haven. We dodged thunderstorms all day.

I'm not knocking the guys with 30's but we small (but seaworthy) boaters need to stick together.

For a fair tide.

Don Carr
s/v Lolita

Re: Block Isle Comments

Post by Jon »

I agree,

Small boats are big fun. Despite getting pooped on the long downhill run from Cuttyhunk to Block on that nice NE wind that got us there, we had a wonderful trip. I wish I could have met up with more folks in Block Island, but most pulled out pretty soon after we arrived. I hung out another day or two - had to explore the place. Got fogged in at Hadley's on the way back, and hooked up on a nice striper that ripped the hooks right out of the plug!

Yes, Chris has done some very nice work on Lefty (#4) - the wooden mast looks awesome. It was really great hanging out with him in Vineyard Haven on the way down.

After that trip, I realize I've really got to sail south more often!

All the best,
Jon :)
s/v Sovereign

Bad Idea

Post by Jon »

Add that to my list of bad ideas.

After motoring from the slip today, all seemed well. Sailed for a few hours and had a nice day - up untill I tried the motor again. It wouldn't start at all. Choke in, choke out, no-go. I pulled the rope so much that if it were in gear, it would have propelled the boat all the way home. I pulled some more. Eventually, I lifted the motor from the well, and backed the screws out of the upper exhaust ports and WATER CAME OUT!!! That can't be good! I set it back into the well, and gave it a few minutes before my next assault. After a few pulls, it started and ran fine.

Maybe a simple exhaust tube is the best solution.

CD25 Sovereign
Catherine Monaghan

Re: Block Isle Comments

Post by Catherine Monaghan »


Glad you made it to Block Island during the Rendezvous but too bad we didn't see you. We stayed an extra day as well then left Saturday morning for Shelter Island. Thursday we were in the anchorage east of GC"13" but moved to a mooring on Friday -- shared one of the town moorings with the York's aboard Carina. As a matter of fact, quite a few of us moved to moorings and stayed an extra day or two.

While you were being pooped on the way to Block from Cuttyhunk, we were sailing hard on the wind from Napatree -- had to put two reefs in the main.

It was a great trip.

Hopefully we'll see you at next year's rendezvous.
CD32 <a href=" ... ization</a>, #3
Rahway, NJ
Raritan Bay
Jon wrote: I agree,

Small boats are big fun. Despite getting pooped on the long downhill run from Cuttyhunk to Block on that nice NE wind that got us there, we had a wonderful trip. I wish I could have met up with more folks in Block Island, but most pulled out pretty soon after we arrived. I hung out another day or two - had to explore the place. Got fogged in at Hadley's on the way back, and hooked up on a nice striper that ripped the hooks right out of the plug!

Yes, Chris has done some very nice work on Lefty (#4) - the wooden mast looks awesome. It was really great hanging out with him in Vineyard Haven on the way down.

After that trip, I realize I've really got to sail south more often!

All the best,
Jon :)
s/v Sovereign
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