cape dory 25D problem in reverse

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Jack Snyder

cape dory 25D problem in reverse

Post by Jack Snyder »

RE: reverse goes in circles..Help.
M. R. Bober

Re: cape dory 25D problem in reverse--A feature

Post by M. R. Bober »

A regular topic of conversation at this site is the "how to steer when going astern." Welcome.

Advice is on the way, I'm sure.

Mitchell Bober
Neil Gordon

Re: cape dory 25D problem in reverse

Post by Neil Gordon »

>>RE: reverse goes in circles..Help.<<

It goes in circles under all wind conditions?

More likely, the wind, prop walk, etc., are having more effect on the boat than can be offset by the rudder, so the boat does what it wants. This cannot be cured... what you need to do is understand how your boat will react to various conditions and plan accordingly.

I'm assuming this is an into/out of the slip problem. Most situations can be handled by the use of spring lines or the like.

Can you share more specifics?

Regards, Neil
Cape Dory 28 #167
Ken Coit

Re: cape dory 25D problem in reverse

Post by Ken Coit »


Circling in reverse is a feature of most single screw inboards. With a right handed prop she will circle to port unless some other force like wind or current is acting on her. There are lots of posts on driving in reverse on this board. The one thing that may not be there many times is that once you have way on, if you shift to neutral, the prop walk stops and you can steer backwards. The other thing that is said more often is that if you give a short burst forward that doesn't kill way aft with the rudder turned to thwart the circling, the stern will swing back on line and you can proceed aft.

There is a little book called "Dockmanship" that might cover what you need. If I could find my copy I would confirm that for you. See the link below for the info on it.

Have fun learning how to go backwards!

CD/36 Parfait
Raleigh, NC
Jack Snyder wrote: RE: reverse goes in circles..Help.


Re: cape dory 25D problem in reverse

Post by Rich »

Jack Snyder wrote: RE: reverse goes in circles..Help.
This may sound very unseamanlike, but after many embarassing attempts at backing my CD26 out of the slip, I've taken to walking it out. I couldn't figure out a way to deal with prop walk, lack of steerage, wind, lack of cleats or pilings positioned for springing, etc. Now I just slowly walk the boat out, manhandling it in the appropriate direction. If I've got crew, all the better, they can be on the engine and I can take my time. I don't try this if there is any kind of serious wind and there is a chance the boat could get away from me. It ain't pretty but it works.
Bob Ohler

Re: cape dory 25D problem in reverse

Post by Bob Ohler »

The CD25D is probably the toughest boat there ever was when it comes to backing up. I just sold my CD25D hull #2 a couple of months ago. When it comes to backing out of a slip here is the secret:
Use a spring line! Here is is how you do it... Un tie all the dock and spring lines except the one that you want the stern to turn towards. For example, if you want the stern to turn to port and the bow to turn to starboard (obviously) then you would not un tie the port stern dock line. When you are ready to back out of the slip, un tie the last line but do not toss onto the piling. Instead, put the transmission in reverse, and pay out this last dock line, but as you pay it out, let it slide under the back edge of the stern cleat. When the the forward shroud is even with the last piling, stop paying out the dock line. Instead, hold onto the line and watch the bow turn to starboard. Shift into neutral, toss the line onto the hook on the outside end of the piling (you have one there don't you?)shift into forward and you will be leaving the slip like a pro. Try it, practice it, and show off your technique!
Jack Snyder wrote: RE: reverse goes in circles..Help.
Warren Kaplan

Re: cape dory 25D problem in reverse

Post by Warren Kaplan »

Bob Ohler wrote: The CD25D is probably the toughest boat there ever was when it comes to backing up. I just sold my CD25D hull #2 a couple of months ago. When it comes to backing out of a slip here is the secret:
Use a spring line! Here is is how you do it... Un tie all the dock and spring lines except the one that you want the stern to turn towards. For example, if you want the stern to turn to port and the bow to turn to starboard (obviously) then you would not un tie the port stern dock line. When you are ready to back out of the slip, un tie the last line but do not toss onto the piling. Instead, put the transmission in reverse, and pay out this last dock line, but as you pay it out, let it slide under the back edge of the stern cleat. When the the forward shroud is even with the last piling, stop paying out the dock line. Instead, hold onto the line and watch the bow turn to starboard. Shift into neutral, toss the line onto the hook on the outside end of the piling (you have one there don't you?)shift into forward and you will be leaving the slip like a pro. Try it, practice it, and show off your technique!
Jack Snyder wrote: RE: reverse goes in circles..Help.
As Bob just said, a spring line, or slip line is the way to go. I have my CD27 in a marina that's real tight. I use a slip line around the aft cleat on the side I want the stern to turn to. I put a mooring ring in the dolphin pole of that side of the slip and I feed the line thru that and then back to me, in the boat. I put her in reverse and, as Bob said, pay out the line until, in my case, the bow is even with the dolphin poles. Then I take a loose turn around the cleat and the stern turns neatly to that side. Once you're facing the direction you want to go, either hook the line to the pole or, in my case I can't do that, I put the gear in neutral to stop the prop from spinning, I let go of the turn around the cleat and the crew hauls the line thru the mooring ring and aboard the boat. Takes all of 10 seconds. Once the line is aboard, I put her in gear and off we go. Sounds complicated but its really very simple. You just have to try it a time or two so you know how far the line has to pay out before you tighten it up. There has been a lot of discussion on this. Search the archives under slip lines or spring lines. Master this easy technique and you won't dread leaving your slip ever again! Hope this helps!
Warren Kaplan
S/V Sine Qua Non

Re: cape dory 25D problem in reverse

Post by Boyd »

When I first got Tern I was completely shocked by my inability to control the boat in reverse. There are many good previous posts on this board with lots of good advice.

After 3 years I am still learning how to attempt to back a single screw full keel boat.

Sometimes this works....

What seems to work the best is to start with the rudder centered. Put the engine in reverse. Crank the rudder about 1/16 to 1/8 turn to the right. (assuming a prop walk to port). Put the engine in neutral. As you back adjust the steering as necessary.. DO NOT expect the boat to respond well at all. If you need more speed in reverse shift in and out of reverse in small bursts. Keep your hand off the throttle. This is all done at idle or with tiny amounts of thrust. When things get going crooked (and they will) put the transmission in forward and crank the wheel to the left. Give it enough throttle to straighten things out and start over.

The above has no chance if there is any wind or current. Be particularly aware of the danger of current that passes from stern to bow. This will turn you sideways and trap you. I have crashed this way a couple of times.

I do however love prop walk for turning the boat in tight spaces. Using it I can turn my 30' boat 180 degrees in a 50' wide canal with room to spare. (no current or wind)

Most of all... take her to a safe place and practice a lot....

Good luck.. Boyd

RE: reverse goes in circles..Help.

Re: cape dory 25D problem in reverse

Post by Boyd »

When I first got Tern I was completely shocked by my inability to control the boat in reverse. There are many good previous posts on this board with lots of good advice.

After 3 years I am still learning how to attempt to back a single screw full keel boat.

Sometimes this works....

What seems to work the best is to start with the rudder centered. Put the engine in reverse. Crank the rudder about 1/16 to 1/8 turn to the right. (assuming a prop walk to port). Put the engine in neutral. As you back adjust the steering as necessary.. DO NOT expect the boat to respond well at all. If you need more speed in reverse shift in and out of reverse in small bursts. Keep your hand off the throttle. This is all done at idle or with tiny amounts of thrust. When things get going crooked (and they will) put the transmission in forward and crank the wheel to the left. Give it enough throttle to straighten things out and start over.

The above has no chance if there is any wind or current. Be particularly aware of the danger of current that passes from stern to bow. This will turn you sideways and trap you. I have crashed this way a couple of times.

I do however love prop walk for turning the boat in tight spaces. Using it I can turn my 30' boat 180 degrees in a 50' wide canal with room to spare. (no current or wind)

Most of all... take her to a safe place and practice a lot....

Good luck.. Boyd

RE: reverse goes in circles..Help.
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