Thanks for all the insight. You've confirmed my perception of what I need which will be a genoa of about 136% that will clear the bow pulpit and lifelines (visibility) and that can be reefed to about 100%. Anything less, and we'll be on a reefed main and staysail and comfortable. I will be using a C200 Furlex system and intend on keeping my staysail in place, even if it means an extra 5 seconds to carefully tack the genoa across. I only race "fun races" around here anymore (such as the Leukemia Cup in Sept.) and my focus is cruising, which is why the cutter rig is so attractive to me. Like Larry, we have constantly changing conditions here in Southport, none the least of which is a river current that rips @5+ knots and our wind builds from about 11 a.m. to 3 or 4 and then dies back down. Again, I thank all of you. Oh yeah, if anyone wants to contribute to my fundraising for our participation in the Leukemia Cup in Sept. please contact me. If you're not aware of it, you don't win the cup from racing (which we intend to do), but the boat & crew that raise the most money wins the cup.....and that's what it's all about.....raising the money for these kids w/Leukemia. I'll get off my soapbox! Again, thanks....I'll let you know how it turns out
Chris Schnell
s/v MADNESS III CD30 #235
Southport, NC