1984 CD30 Chain Plates-Not-Back plate/washers

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1984 CD30 Chain Plates-Not-Back plate/washers

Post by Gary »

I just surveyed a 1984 CD30 which has not been modified and has no chain plates. It has through bolts, nuts and washers. They appear in very good condition with no indications of leakage or failure. Perhaps a production modification. Anyone know about this or have an opinion to share.

Yachtsman Marine@aol.com
Duncan Maio

Re: 1984 CD30 Chain Plates-Not-Back plate/washers

Post by Duncan Maio »


The chainplates on most Cape Dorys consist of a steel backing plate under the deck, welded to a plate that follows the hull (90 degrees to the deck plate) and two or three "J" shaped lengths of re-bar that run down the hull under each shroud.

The entire assembly is glassed to the hull and deck. On most older boats (especially where mild steel was used) corrosion has caused the deck plate to become exposed. It sounds like everything on the boat you surveyed has been preserved (and the chainplates are probably stainless in a boat of that vintage.

Check this website for manuals and specs. I can get you a drawing of the typical setup if you can't find one.

Duncan Maio
s/v Remedy
CD27 #37
Bristol, RI

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