Honda Outboard Problem

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Honda Outboard Problem

Post by bill »

Hello everyone,
I would appreciate some advice on my 5hp Honda. It runs fine but will not idle. When I start it, she will run as long as the throttle stays at the "start" mark on the throttle handle. If I try to idle down, she stalls. I/ve changed the gas to new gas, added a new fuel filter and spark plug I removed and disassembled the carburetor. But... it still will not idle. I would like to avoid a 50 mile trip to Honda service place and of course the expense. Any suggestons or advice would be very much appreicated. Wanted to get back out.
Bill Willis
CD25, #522 Sadie
Serge Zimberoff

Re: Honda Outboard Problem

Post by Serge Zimberoff »

The post earlier that recommended as a great outboard site might just be the place to check for something like this.
Dan Hanlon

Re: Honda Outboard Problem

Post by Dan Hanlon »

Serge Zimberoff wrote: The post earlier that recommended as a great outboard site might just be the place to check for something like this.
I posted the site. I found it while trying to troubleshoot my 1978 Johnson 9.9. I do seem to recall some specifics about Hondas. It sounds like your problem may be related to the problem I had. That is, it may be somewhere in the fuel delivery. If your fuel line is malfunctioning or the bulb is going bad, it may be that at higher speeds, the motor can draw the fuel but not at lower speeds. Another possibility could be the air fuel mixture. I found I had to recalibrate the rich/lean knob by removing it, and then setting it to where the motor ran smoothly across a range of rpm's. Then I put the knob back on with that optimum as the center setting for the knob. Anyway, go to It has a pretty awesome amount of information, both free and fee. Good luck and share your successful resolution when you've achieved it.

Re: Honda Outboard Problem

Post by bill »

Dan Hanlon wrote:
Serge Zimberoff wrote: The post earlier that recommended as a great outboard site might just be the place to check for something like this.
I posted the site. I found it while trying to troubleshoot my 1978 Johnson 9.9. I do seem to recall some specifics about Hondas. It sounds like your problem may be related to the problem I had. That is, it may be somewhere in the fuel delivery. If your fuel line is malfunctioning or the bulb is going bad, it may be that at higher speeds, the motor can draw the fuel but not at lower speeds. Another possibility could be the air fuel mixture. I found I had to recalibrate the rich/lean knob by removing it, and then setting it to where the motor ran smoothly across a range of rpm's. Then I put the knob back on with that optimum as the center setting for the knob. Anyway, go to It has a pretty awesome amount of information, both free and fee. Good luck and share your successful resolution when you've achieved it.
Thanks for your post. I was able to find the problem due to an email from Art, a mechanic. He suggested the idle jet in my carb was clogged. I soaked the jet and then air blasted it with a compressor. Runs like new now.
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