Replacement of engine mounts on a CD-28

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Kevin Mularkey

Replacement of engine mounts on a CD-28

Post by Kevin Mularkey »

I have a 1977 Cape Dory 28 with a 25 hp (MD2B with reduction gear which I just replaced) Volvo Diesel. I need to replace the engine mounts and it doesn't look like a simple job. The engine is mounted to a fiberglass pan and the engine mounts are attached to the pan. There is no access to the bottom of the mount to remove it.

If anyone has been there, done that, please let me know. It seems to be one thing after another.

Brian King

Re: Replacement of engine mounts on a CD-28

Post by Brian King »

Kevin Mularkey wrote: Hi Kevin,
Sorry I don't have the same engine. I have a 1978 CD 28 with a Volvo MD 7A mounted to a fiberglass pan too and I just replaced my engine mounts.

There was just two nuts on top of each of the four bolts and I undid them. Then used the mainsheet block and tackle and 4 X 4 wood post over the companionway to hoist the engine off the threaded bolt and then removed the two bolts securing the mount on the fiberglass pan. They all came off quite easy but the engine replacement was a challenge as it was difficult to move it back far enough to position over the two aft bolts. I ended up using the boom vang secured to the rear of the engine and to the rudder post and pulled the engine back with that and up with the mainseet and finally got it centered.

I did this alone and it took a couple of hours of trial and error to devise a system to get the engine hoisted as well as pulled back to center it above the bolts.

Good luck.

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