John Doyle had posted query here about the SS pin that passes through the mast and the cabin-top mast collar of CD 31s. On our newly acquired boat this pin is not installed. We found it in a drawer with a lengthy, useful memo attached, sent in response to a question posed to Cape Dory by the boat's first owner in 1985.
The pin is 3/8" SS rod, 6 1/2 inches long, and drilled for two cotter pins, 6 1/4 inches apart on center.
On 12/5/85 the first owner drew a diagram of the mast collar, with its raised lugs on each side, which were drilled for the 3/8" pin. He posed this question to someone named Bill:
"Mast Collar on Spindrift looks like this. I can't iamgine how the pin connects, or what it looks like. Please check on this and advise."
In reply, Joe McCarty, the Yard Manager at Robinhood Marine Center wrote on 12/10/85:
"Bill has referred your question to me. This collar is correct. If it has ever been installed, there will be corresponding 3/8" diam. holes in the mast, to receive the pin. Often the pin has never been installed, as its purpose is to act like a tension rod, typing cabin top to keel; something needed to prevent the hull from flexing inward in extreme rigging and impact loads, usually associated with offshore gale conditions. For the hull to flex inward, the cabin top must flex _up_. The pin is a piece of standard equipment. If you don't find it, let me know, I'll be happy to have one sent. [This was apparently done, since we have the pin.] If your boat has no holes in mast for pin, and you wish it installed, it is necessary that the rig be tuned fairly hard, and the boat sailed in a strong breeze--to be _sure_ the mast has settled in its step; also that you like the balance (i.e. that you don't intend to change the rake by shifting the adjustable mast step or wedges at the collar. Then drill though each side of collar holes though mast w/ 3/8" bit and install pin. To _not_ follow these instructions could cause serious damage to the mast. Cape Dory Yachts doesn't install this pin, but provides it and leaves it up to the individual owener's discretion whether his type of sailing warrants its need. I don't know if you have the holes drilled in "Spindrift's" mast or not. If you don't, you may determine that you really don't need it for your sailing. Please call me if I can be of further help."
Ann and David Brownlee
CD 31 #1 "Windrush" (nee "Spindrift")
Havre de Grace, MD
Mast pin on the CD31
Moderator: Jim Walsh