To:Nautical Traditions Officer;
As a fleet related safety matter have you considered inviting the Cape Dory Power Boat owners to your rendezvous?Perhaps to stand by after the event to assist those of befuddled nav.skills in moving thier boats out of the harbor?
Sail Boat Fleet Rendezvous
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: CD Powerboaters are invited!!! Please come.
All Cape Dory owners, power and sail, members and non-members, and even wannabees, may attend Cape Dory Rendezvous 2001 in the northeast. Visit the <a href="">CDSOA's website</a> for more info.
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Click on the banner for more info!</CENTER>
NE Fleet Secretary -- CDSOA, Inc.
CD32 <a href=" ... ization</a>, #3
Rahway, NJ
Raritan Bay
<CENTER><A HREF=" ... ents"><IMG SRC=" ... r.gif"></A>
Click on the banner for more info!</CENTER>
NE Fleet Secretary -- CDSOA, Inc.
CD32 <a href=" ... ization</a>, #3
Rahway, NJ
Raritan Bay
Tom S wrote: To:Nautical Traditions Officer;
As a fleet related safety matter have you considered inviting the Cape Dory Power Boat owners to your rendezvous?Perhaps to stand by after the event to assist those of befuddled nav.skills in moving thier boats out of the harbor?
Re: My appologies Captain...
I just assumed that everyone knew that the Fleet activities include ALL owners of ANY Cape Dory vessel. I believe Leo, Cathy and all the other officers thought so too.
By all means, we would be honored to have you participate. And, your suggestion of assistance is appreciated also.
Actually, Don Carr the Race Committee chair, is probably looking for a picket boat to mark one end of the start/finish line. A Cape Dory power boat would be perfect for this task. If you are interested, post a notice on the web for him to get in touch with you. Also, if you are the picket, you will get the best view of all the Cape Dorys in the fleet, would be a real photo opportunity!
Looking forward to meeting you....I remain....
Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30
Nautical Traditions Officer
I just assumed that everyone knew that the Fleet activities include ALL owners of ANY Cape Dory vessel. I believe Leo, Cathy and all the other officers thought so too.
By all means, we would be honored to have you participate. And, your suggestion of assistance is appreciated also.
Actually, Don Carr the Race Committee chair, is probably looking for a picket boat to mark one end of the start/finish line. A Cape Dory power boat would be perfect for this task. If you are interested, post a notice on the web for him to get in touch with you. Also, if you are the picket, you will get the best view of all the Cape Dorys in the fleet, would be a real photo opportunity!
Looking forward to meeting you....I remain....
Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30
Nautical Traditions Officer