Need topping lift for CD25

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Dan H

Need topping lift for CD25

Post by Dan H »

It seems SHWEEGO also came without a topping lift. Can someone tell me what the specs are? Where might I be able to buy one?

Dan H
CD25 #652
Bruce Bett

Re: Need topping lift for CD25

Post by Bruce Bett »


The CD25 came with a steel toping lift attached at the masthead. It had an eye at the bottom through which to attach a short piece of rope which attaches to one of two steel tabs on the end of the boom. I don't like the system. If I were you I'd attach another block at the masthead, and another cleat at the foot of the mast. Use a piece of low streach line as the topping lift.

Bruce Bett
CD25 #496
Dan H wrote: It seems SHWEEGO also came without a topping lift. Can someone tell me what the specs are? Where might I be able to buy one?

Dan H
CD25 #652
Dan H

Re: Need topping lift for CD25

Post by Dan H »

Thanks Bruce. It's too late to go out and look now, but I believe I have a block on the aft side of the masthead. From everything I've read in the past several days, wire is rather dated for halyards and similar use. New low stretch synthetic lines are lighter, cheaper, more flexible and more durable. So I'll be following your advice. One last question. Is the topping lift meant to stay in place while under sail? Is it to be used as a sail tuning device? Or is it just to hang the boom from when the sails are down?
Bruce Bett wrote: Dan:

The CD25 came with a steel toping lift attached at the masthead. It had an eye at the bottom through which to attach a short piece of rope which attaches to one of two steel tabs on the end of the boom. I don't like the system. If I were you I'd attach another block at the masthead, and another cleat at the foot of the mast. Use a piece of low streach line as the topping lift.

Bruce Bett
CD25 #496
Dan H wrote: It seems SHWEEGO also came without a topping lift. Can someone tell me what the specs are? Where might I be able to buy one?

Dan H
CD25 #652
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