The search function is working and zippy, thanks to our Internet Service Provider Webmaster who relocated the files for faster access. Hopefully I will be able to speed it up even more in the near future.
Please! Read the <a href=" ... ch">search tips in the FAQ</a> before using this function. This is not a very smart search and you will be wasting time and server cycles if you don't use it right.
- Walt Bilofsky, Webmaster
Search Function is Working Again (really)
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Congratulations! It Works! Re: Search Function is Working
I just pulled 315 references in about 90 seconds! Fantastic!
I just pulled 315 references in about 90 seconds! Fantastic!
Walt Bilofsky (Webmaster) wrote: The search function is working and zippy, thanks to our Internet Service Provider Webmaster who relocated the files for faster access. Hopefully I will be able to speed it up even more in the near future.
Please! Read the <a href=" ... ch">search tips in the FAQ</a> before using this function. This is not a very smart search and you will be wasting time and server cycles if you don't use it right.
- Walt Bilofsky, Webmaster