Differences in Cape Dory 25D models?

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

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Don Cooler

Differences in Cape Dory 25D models?

Post by Don Cooler »

Can you tell me if there are any differences between the early and late model CD 25D's?


Re: Differences in Cape Dory 25D models?

Post by Bill »

I believe that all 25D models have the same layout.

Good luck in your search. You'll love the boat.

S/V Rhapsody
CD25D #148
Don Cooler wrote: Can you tell me if there are any differences between the early and late model CD 25D's?

Bruce Barber

Re: Differences in Cape Dory 25D models?

Post by Bruce Barber »

Don Cooler wrote: Can you tell me if there are any differences between the early and late model CD 25D's?


Here are a couple of items:
Bob Ohler's #002 does not have an anchor roller at the stem, but I don't know at what point that was added. Sometime before the 40th, at least.
I believe early models did not have the jibsheet tracks recessed in the deck, but only know they ARE recessed on my #077.
Not much here to ponder, maybe others will know more.

Bruce Barber
25D Nancy Dawson

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