I would like to upgrade the 12 volt distribution panel on my '79 CD 28. The existing panel is an odd size in that it is 6.75 x 13.5 inches, wider and/or taller than all the ready-made panels that I have seen (e.g. Blue Seas makes a 10 breaker beauty with built-in volt and amp meters, but it is only a little more than 5 inches wide). Is there a drop in replacement? What have others done? Thanks.
distribution panel for cd 28 sloop
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: distribution panel for cd 28 sloop
You need to call Bass Products Inc-50 Grove St Salem Ma 01970-508-744-7003 they have a brochure of dozens of panels-sizes-12volts-120-ampmeters-battery gauges etc.-you pick the configuration-they will put you on the phone with an engineer and you determine the order and amperage of the circuit-they make the panel custom to your needs-with circuit breakers-they ship it to you with buss bars and mouting screws etc.-can you find cheaper panels at the marine discount stoers? sure-but these guys wrote the book-I could not be happer with mine-it is much higher quality than the stuff in the discount stores-Stan W wrote: I would like to upgrade the 12 volt distribution panel on my '79 CD 28. The existing panel is an odd size in that it is 6.75 x 13.5 inches, wider and/or taller than all the ready-made panels that I have seen (e.g. Blue Seas makes a 10 breaker beauty with built-in volt and amp meters, but it is only a little more than 5 inches wide). Is there a drop in replacement? What have others done? Thanks.