500,000 before Labor Day?

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

Moderator: Jim Walsh

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M. R. Bober

500,000 before Labor Day?

Post by M. R. Bober »

How many other defunct manufacturers have the (former?) customer loyalty to generate a half million hits years after closing up shop? I stand (sit actually) in awe at the knowledge amassed by the users of this site and their willingness to assist unknown fellow Dorymen (and Dorywomen, of course).

In some future time, when something like a Pulitzer award for selflessness in the field of valuable website management is presented. The Webmaster & the Assistant Webmaster will finally receive their due. In the meantime, thank you.
Mitchell Bober
Ken Coit

Re: 500,000 before Labor Day?

Post by Ken Coit »

Yes, I raise my glass to everyone who contributes, but especially the Webpersons.

May your sails be many and fine and
the wind be always at your back.

M. R. Bober wrote: How many other defunct manufacturers have the (former?) customer loyalty to generate a half million hits years after closing up shop? I stand (sit actually) in awe at the knowledge amassed by the users of this site and their willingness to assist unknown fellow Dorymen (and Dorywomen, of course).

In some future time, when something like a Pulitzer award for selflessness in the field of valuable website management is presented. The Webmaster & the Assistant Webmaster will finally receive their due. In the meantime, thank you.
Mitchell Bober

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