Looking for previous owner of SHWEEGO a CD25

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Dan H

Looking for previous owner of SHWEEGO a CD25

Post by Dan H »

I have finally closed on my 1978 CD25, hull # 652. I bought it from a gentleman in Michigan, northwest of Detroit. He bought it from some one in Wisconson, I believe. That was back in 1999. I would like to locate that owner. I have some questions that the gentleman I bought from could not answer. If you are out there, please respond. Shweego will be returning to Chicago in a week or so via the asphalt ocean. Can't wait to get on the water!!


Re: Looking for previous owner of SHWEEGO a CD25

Post by Dave »

You probably already did this, but did you check to see if he was regestered with this cite still? If not good luck.


Dan H wrote: I have finally closed on my 1978 CD25, hull # 652. I bought it from a gentleman in Michigan, northwest of Detroit. He bought it from some one in Wisconson, I believe. That was back in 1999. I would like to locate that owner. I have some questions that the gentleman I bought from could not answer. If you are out there, please respond. Shweego will be returning to Chicago in a week or so via the asphalt ocean. Can't wait to get on the water!!

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