Ahoy! Get your Chesapeake Fleet June cruise reservations in immediately! Bud Menchey needs to make reservations at the marinas and restaurants .... time, tide, and the St.Michaels folks wait for no man ( or woman ). The reservation forms were included in the last issue of the Masthead or you can download them from the CDSOA website.-)Time is running out
If you plan to join us, please notify Bud or me this weekend via telephone or e-mail with your needs as to slips and restaurant. Then pronto get your check in the mail to Bud. Bud's telephone number is 717 854-9919, and his e-mail is smenchey@blazenet.net. My addresses are 703 403-5652 and adevans@att.net.
Please also spread the word to friends.
- Allen Evans
Fleet Captain, Chesapeake
WHISPER, CD 36, Hull #83