Engine zincs

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Engine zincs

Post by DickTurner »

In this months edition of Sail magazine there is an article on diesel engine maintenance. They mention two engine zincs, one in the cooling system and the other in the engine proper. Does my CD 31 with a Universal model 5424, 24HP have any such zincs. I can't find any if it does. Thanks in advance for any replies.



Re: Engine zincs

Post by john »

DickTurner wrote: In this months edition of Sail magazine there is an article on diesel engine maintenance. They mention two engine zincs, one in the cooling system and the other in the engine proper. Does my CD 31 with a Universal model 5424, 24HP have any such zincs. I can't find any if it does. Thanks in advance for any replies.

There is one that I know of in the heat exchanger, but don't know of any in the engine.
John CD31 #18


Re: Engine zincs

Post by Tom »

DickTurner wrote: In this months edition of Sail magazine there is an article on diesel engine maintenance. They mention two engine zincs, one in the cooling system and the other in the engine proper. Does my CD 31 with a Universal model 5424, 24HP have any such zincs. I can't find any if it does. Thanks in advance for any replies.

Engines that are raw water cooled need zincs to protect against electroysis from the seawater. Engines that have a heat exchanger and thus a closed coolant system don't need a zinc because saltwater never comes in contact with the engine. Saltwater does come in contact with metal in the raw water pump and heat exchanger and thus there is often one in the heat exchanger.

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