Ahoy (again) Fellow Cape Dorians,
The Registration Form for “CDSOA 2001 Cruise to Maine”, hosted by the NE Fleet of the Cape Dory Sailboat Owners Association, Inc., is now available at our Website at:
http://www.toolworks.com/cdsoa/NErendez ... seForm.doc
http://www.toolworks.com/cdsoa/NErendez ... ruise.html.
The ‘CDSOA 2001 Cruise to Maine’ will be 5 interconnecting legs spread over 2 weeks.
* CDSOA, 2001 Cruise to ME 23 & 24 July from Onset, MA to Tenants Harbor, ME (CDSOA members only).
* CD Raft-up, Wednesday, 25 July, on Long Cove, Tenants Harbor (open to all CD owners).
* CD Fleet Sail 26-31 July from Long Cove, Tenants Harbor to Mt. Desert Island (open to all CD owners).
* CD Fleet Sail 01-03 August from Mt. Desert Island to Long Cove, Tenants Harbor Island (open to all CD owners).
* CDSOA 2001 Return Sail 04-05 August from Long Cove, Tenants Harbor to Onset, MA (CDSOA members only).
Events 1 and 5. (CDSOA, 2001 Cruise to ME 23 & 24 July and CDSOA 2001 Return Sail 04-05 August) are limited to CDSOA, Inc. Members.
All CD owners, past CD owners and prospective CD owners are invited to attend the Raft-Up and the two Maine coastal CD Fleet Sails.
We will make efforts to match out of area CD'ers with crew berths on participating boats.
For additional information please contact;
Sail Captain / Reg.: Mike Thorpe, mthorpe@capecod.net, 508-394-9514
Chairman: Ron Lovell, lovellrjr@mediaone.net, 781-740-1045
Fair Winds,
Leo MacDonald, ‘Heather Ann’ CD30K
NE Fleet Captain, CDSOA, Inc.
macdore@aol.com, 860-859-9600
CDSOA 2001 Cruise to Maine Registration Announcement
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: CDSOA 2001 Cruise to Maine Registration Announcement
The registration form for the CDSOA, Inc. <b>Cruise to Maine</b> is available for download in both Microsoft Word97 (*.doc) and Adobe Acrobat (*.PDF) formats from the Cruise to Maine Registration Information page at:
<a href="http://www.toolworks.com/cdsoa/NErendez ... se.html</a>
<a href="http://www.toolworks.com/cdsoa/NErendez ... se.html</a>
Leo MacDonald wrote: Ahoy (again) Fellow Cape Dorians,
The Registration Form for “CDSOA 2001 Cruise to Maine”, hosted by the NE Fleet of the Cape Dory Sailboat Owners Association, Inc., is now available at our Website at:
http://www.toolworks.com/cdsoa/NErendez ... seForm.doc
http://www.toolworks.com/cdsoa/NErendez ... ruise.html.
The ‘CDSOA 2001 Cruise to Maine’ will be 5 interconnecting legs spread over 2 weeks.
* CDSOA, 2001 Cruise to ME 23 & 24 July from Onset, MA to Tenants Harbor, ME (CDSOA members only).
* CD Raft-up, Wednesday, 25 July, on Long Cove, Tenants Harbor (open to all CD owners).
* CD Fleet Sail 26-31 July from Long Cove, Tenants Harbor to Mt. Desert Island (open to all CD owners).
* CD Fleet Sail 01-03 August from Mt. Desert Island to Long Cove, Tenants Harbor Island (open to all CD owners).
* CDSOA 2001 Return Sail 04-05 August from Long Cove, Tenants Harbor to Onset, MA (CDSOA members only).
Events 1 and 5. (CDSOA, 2001 Cruise to ME 23 & 24 July and CDSOA 2001 Return Sail 04-05 August) are limited to CDSOA, Inc. Members.
All CD owners, past CD owners and prospective CD owners are invited to attend the Raft-Up and the two Maine coastal CD Fleet Sails.
We will make efforts to match out of area CD'ers with crew berths on participating boats.
For additional information please contact;
Sail Captain / Reg.: Mike Thorpe, mthorpe@capecod.net, 508-394-9514
Chairman: Ron Lovell, lovellrjr@mediaone.net, 781-740-1045
Fair Winds,
Leo MacDonald, ‘Heather Ann’ CD30K
NE Fleet Captain, CDSOA, Inc.
macdore@aol.com, 860-859-9600