Cutting access port in headliner, CD27

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Warren Kaplan

Cutting access port in headliner, CD27

Post by Warren Kaplan »

I'll be mounting deck hardware, such as mast base blocks, deck organizers, winches on Sine Qua Non. Much of this hardware will be placed on the cabintop which means cutting the headliner for access to place backing plates and nuts on thru bolts. I saw one picture of someone using a hole saw to accomplish this. I really don't want to screw up the interior of my cabin so I need some suggestions and answers to some questions I have.
1) In an effort to locate the proper area below the deck hardware to even make the access hole in the headliner, do you drill one of the mounting holes for the hardware clean thru the deck AND the headliner just to mark the spot to make the access hole?
2) What "tool(s)" do you like to use for removing a section of the headliner? Do you tape the section so that it doesn't splinter, etc.?
3) Is there a minimum size access port to make? Even with a small piece of hardware and small backing plate should the diameter of the hole made be large enough for your entire hand to fit into, or does the access need only be large enough to get a socket wrench or other tool in there?
4) What do you use to cover the hole? Do you use the cut out piece of headliner? Are there stock access port coverings you could use? How do fasten the covering? Screws, Velcro? Obviously I am talking about an finished look. Not a piece of waste plywood cut to "cover a hole".

Any advice or references on doing this right interests me. I'm not worried about the actual installation. I know how I'd do that and I think that since all this hardware is going to be under some load, thru bolting is the way to go.
Thanks in advance
Andy Denmark

Re: Cutting access port in headliner, CD27

Post by Andy Denmark »

Hi Warren,

There's no need to cut your headliner for anything but winch mountings. For the #16 Lewmars on Rhiannon's cabintop, I simply drilled holes thru the liner large enough to accomodate standard flat washers and used locknuts. There are white plastic snap-ins available from any cabinet shop that fit the holes. For the other hardware I used Gougeon Bros. fill-and-drill method that does not penetrate the headliner. After years of use, some of it extreme, this has worked fine with no problems at all. Like so many things on a sailboat, this is all too easy to over-engineer and give yourself a lot of uneccesary headaches and expense.

Email me directly if you want specifics.

Hope this helps,

Andy Denmark
CD-27 "Rhiannon"
Oriental, NC
Bill Goldsmith

Re: Cutting access port in headliner, CD27

Post by Bill Goldsmith »


Very interesting. I recall from attending several boat shows that even the high quality manufacturers (Tartan. Alerion Express, Beneteau, etc) are using fender washers rather than backing plates for the winches and related hardware. It would certainly solve the problem of the backing plate not conforming to the curve of the underside of the deck.

On the top of the deck, how did you handle the curvature of the deck when mounting the winches? Did you put on pads, and if so, what material?

Bill Goldsmith
Second Chance

>>> <> 04/21/01 07:53AM >>>
Andy Denmark wrote: Hi Warren,

There's no need to cut your headliner for anything but winch mountings. For the #16 Lewmars on Rhiannon's cabintop, I simply drilled holes thru the liner large enough to accomodate standard flat washers and used locknuts. There are white plastic snap-ins available from any cabinet shop that fit the holes. For the other hardware I used Gougeon Bros. fill-and-drill method that does not penetrate the headliner. After years of use, some of it extreme, this has worked fine with no problems at all. Like so many things on a sailboat, this is all too easy to over-engineer and give yourself a lot of uneccesary headaches and expense.

Email me directly if you want specifics.

Hope this helps,

Andy Denmark
CD-27 "Rhiannon"
Oriental, NC
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