Sound Insulation

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Sound Insulation

Post by Brian »

Thinking of putting sound insulation in the engine compartment of my CD28. It's not too loud, but after some long windless passages it can get old. Has anyone done this? If yes was there a significant difference?


Re: Sound Insulation

Post by Bruce »

Brian wrote: Thinking of putting sound insulation in the engine compartment of my CD28. It's not too loud, but after some long windless passages it can get old. Has anyone done this? If yes was there a significant difference?

I have sound insulation on my 25D it makes a huge difference. the engine noise in the cockpit is a whisper and you can carry on a conversation below. I used the 1/2 inch stuff from west marine. good luck
Bob Luby

Re: Sound Insulation

Post by Bob Luby »

Bruce wrote: I have sound insulation on my 25D it makes a huge difference. the engine noise in the cockpit is a whisper and you can carry on a conversation below. I used the 1/2 inch stuff from west marine. good luck.
Can you go into detail as to how you installed the insulation? I've been leery of trying it on my 25D. But it would be a great improvement.
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