Jib fairlead car for Ty WE needed.

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Bill McMahon

Jib fairlead car for Ty WE needed.

Post by Bill McMahon »

Does anyone know of a source for a jib fairlead car that will fit the original track of a '72 Typhoon Weekender?


Bristol Bronze

Re: Jib fairlead car for Ty WE needed.

Post by Bristol Bronze »

Bill McMahon wrote: Does anyone know of a source for a jib fairlead car that will fit the original track of a '72 Typhoon Weekender?

Dear Bill,

I'm not sure what the original car was on the Typhoon or what size track it used but Bristol Bronze makes a few cars in Bronze that would probably do the job for you.

If you have any questions I can be reached at 401-625-5224.

Roger W.
Bristol Bronze

Bill Bloxham

Re: Jib fairlead car for Ty WE needed.

Post by Bill Bloxham »

I use a Schaeffer 03-86 genoa car for the jib fairlead. The block has a lot less friction then the bullseye lead the boat came with.
This spring I am going to try running the jib sheet from the 03-86 to the genoa track, and then to the winch. My sailmaker suggested it would reduce the number of times I get a wrap on the winch in heavier air.
Good luck

Joel Bondy

Re: ... and a Genoa car, too.

Post by Joel Bondy »

My Weekender Genoa track is 7/8" and I've been unable to find a car that fits this size track. Suggestions anyone?
Bill McMahon wrote: Does anyone know of a source for a jib fairlead car that will fit the original track of a '72 Typhoon Weekender?


Re: Jib fairlead car for Ty WE needed.

Post by sloopjohnl »

me thinks you will have to buy new track and car. the only track i could find to replace the original plastic track was 1/8 smaller in width. i pinched the sides of the original car just a bit to get a good fit.

Bill McMahon wrote: Does anyone know of a source for a jib fairlead car that will fit the original track of a '72 Typhoon Weekender?

Bill Bloxham

Re: ... and a Genoa car, too.

Post by Bill Bloxham »

My genoa track is 3/4", but when I just measured it with the end of a steel tape measure I got 7/8". If I use the center of the tape I get 3/4".
I have never seen a Ty with any track other then the one like mine has (not that I have seen them all!)
I bought Schaeffer 03-72's.

Les Bloom

Re: ... and a Genoa car, too.

Post by Les Bloom »

Bill Bloxham wrote: My genoa track is 3/4", but when I just measured it with the end of a steel tape measure I got 7/8". If I use the center of the tape I get 3/4".
I have never seen a Ty with any track other then the one like mine has (not that I have seen them all!)
I bought Schaeffer 03-72's.

I have a 1974 weekender. All the hardware is original Schaeffer
products,including the genoa t-track. My track ( 2'x 3/4") on the portside is bend and needs to be taken off and straighten or replaced. Anyway I understand that Schaeffer has 3/4" t-track stock and it can be special ordered. What I don't know is if the holes are on 3"or 4" centers, mine are 3"centers. Good Luck
Bill Bloxham

Re: ... and a Genoa car, too.

Post by Bill Bloxham »

The Schaeffer part # is 40-04 for the T-track, and it is black anodized. The centers are 3" and set for a #10 flat head.
The track is very different from the track supplied on the Ty. You might look into having a stainless shop fabricate a track for you. With the cost of the Schaeffer unit plus bending it (there are mechanical limits to how much of a short track can be bent) a completly custom track might not be out of line.
Or perhaps you could get your hands on a vice and bend it back.
Or finely, you could buy a longer track, place it on the deck so that it could handle both genoa and jib, and possibly have better jib geometry to boot.
Good luck


Re: ... and a Genoa car, too.

Post by sloopjohnl »

my genoa track mounted on the toerail is 3/4" and is stainless steel. the jib track mounted on the cabintop is(was) plastic, T, and 7/8". this was all original to my '76 typhoon. i have never seen 7/8" T track in either plastic, aluminum or stainless.

Bill Bloxham wrote: My genoa track is 3/4", but when I just measured it with the end of a steel tape measure I got 7/8". If I use the center of the tape I get 3/4".
I have never seen a Ty with any track other then the one like mine has (not that I have seen them all!)
I bought Schaeffer 03-72's.
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