Electrical Wiring CD25

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Will W.

Electrical Wiring CD25

Post by Will W. »

Need to run some new wires to a few places. What kind of wire should I be using. What gauge for example for running lights and spreader lights. Is bigger always better ( 10 awg vs 16 awg)or is smaller wire preferred for some reason. Lastly, I own several spools of housing wires 8 to 14 gauge but they are all solid copper wires not with separate strands like I see on the boat now. Are these ok to use?


Re: Electrical Wiring CD25

Post by Robert »

As for wire type, always use stranded, marine grade wire. Ancor brand wire is a good example. As for size, you need to know three things: (1)The amps that the wire will carry; (2)the total distance---from power source to the device AND back, and (3)the maximum voltage drop allowable---3% for electronics (e.g. VHF) and running and anchor lights and 10% for less critical devices like cabin lights and fans. Then go to www.ancorproducts.com/wirecalc.html. Enter the above data for each circuit you are wiring and the site will tell you what size wire you need. If you are going to err in size, then oversize. Undersized wire will have too much resistance for the current (amps) and WILL GET HOT! Maybe to the point of starting a fire. Hope this helps.

Robert, s/v Zephyr CD28 #230

P.S. Make sure each circuit has a proper sized fuse.

Mark Yashinsky

Re: Electrical Wiring CD25

Post by Mark Yashinsky »

And use proper connectors at all joints. Make sure the circuits are on C/B's or fuses. Secure the wires to prevent banging and fraying (see previous). Want to have the correct light on when needed and not the one big (fire) one that will just ruin your day.
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