Having unstepped the mast on Second Chance (CD27) last fall, the spar is now on sawhorses in a quiet corner of the boatyard. As I do not plan on unstepping too often, right now I am planning to
--inspect all swages
--inspect all wire
--grease masthead sheaves
--replace standing topping lift with running topping lift
--going from top to bottom, inspect, remove and reinstall screws and fittings with Tef-Gel
--replace bulbs on anchor light, steaming light and deck light
--wash and wax spar
--Repair Windex Windvane
I would appreciate anyone's suggested additions/comments to the above checklist.
I also have some questions:
(1) What lube is best to use to grease the masthead sheaves??
(2) What is the collective wisdom on using this opportunity to install spreader lights (my deck light is very dim) vs. perhaps a brighter bulb in the deck light fitting.
(3) Rig-Rite (Spartan Spars) has an access panel that can be installed at the base of the mast for better access to wiring while the mast is stepped. My gut reaction is that the hole you'd need to cut would unduly weaken the mast, but on the other hand why would they offer this as original equipment if so?
This is a great board--I have learned 95% of my current CD knowledge from this board over the past three years. Thanks in advance for any input on taking advantage of having my mast down for a couple of weeks.
Bill Goldsmith
CD27 Second Chance
Suggestions for Mast Inspection??
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: Suggestions for Mast Inspection??
If clanging wires in the mast bother you, this is an opportunity to do something about it. Jay Herman, at Annapolis Rigging, encloses mast wiring in a sort of mesh net sock