Need Sail Help

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

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Need Sail Help

Post by Hud »

Help- the mainsail on our cd27 tore in half this weekend on the Chesapeake. Can anyone give me the name of a loft in the mid Atlantic area that has the patterns? hud

Re: Need Sail Help

Post by jan »

I have my old original sails for my cd 26 also my have sail plan but am not sure, would this help any?

Re: Need Sail Help

Post by Hud »

jan wrote: I have my old original sails for my cd 26 also my have sail plan but am not sure, would this help any?
Hi Jan,
I checked the online owners manual- they don't show specs on the boom to top of mast P value of a 26, but there is a 15" difference in this value from a 27 to a 28. So,I guess there would be a difference between the 26 and 27. Boom to top of mast = 29'9" on the 27. I don't know! Thanks for the help, I'll see if I can find the dimensions on the 26 mainsail
Joe Sankey

Re: Need Sail Help

Post by Joe Sankey »

Any good loft will have the information you need, probably on computer. If you want to talk to a good sailmaker (not in MD, but UPS works) call Hunter Riddle at Schurr Sails (see Joe
Hud wrote: Help- the mainsail on our cd27 tore in half this weekend on the Chesapeake. Can anyone give me the name of a loft in the mid Atlantic area that has the patterns? hud
Catherine Monaghan

Re: CD27 Sail dimensions

Post by Catherine Monaghan »

Cape Dory 27 Sail Dimensions from Owners Manual:

Sail Area (Sq. Feet w/100% fore triangle): 354
I: 34' 0"
P: 29' 9"
J: 11' 0"
E: 11' 3"
Main Luff Slug Size: 3/4" flat
Main Foot Slug Size: 1/2 barrel
Main Tack Cut Back: 4"

Hope this helps. If you don't have a copy of the Owners Manual for your boat, you can download it from Ed Rant's website at:

<a href="">ht ... s/cd27/</a>

which is also accessible from the "Where to Look" web page on this (CCDOA) website.
CD32 <a href=" ... ization</a>, #3
Rahway, NJ
Raritan Bay

Hud wrote: Help- the mainsail on our cd27 tore in half this weekend on the Chesapeake. Can anyone give me the name of a loft in the mid Atlantic area that has the patterns? hud
David Brownlee

Re: Need Sail Help

Post by David Brownlee »

Skelley/Ullman sails in Havre de Grace made a mailsail for our 27 a few years ago. They do good work.

David Brownlee
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