"What" is a morse blackfish?

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

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Warren Kaplan

"What" is a morse blackfish?

Post by Warren Kaplan »

Since the weather around here has reduced me to staring at my owners manual rather than actually working on my boat, I need to have a question answered that has been bugging me for about a year. Every time I look at the schematic of the dreaded stuffing box in the manual of my CD27, there is this "thing" oddly named "morse blackfish". I have never read about it or seen any reference to a morse blackfish anywhere else...and believe me I've looked. So, I've turned to the omnipotent CCDOA message board to deliver me from my ignorance once again! What is it and does anyone know the derivation of the name morse blackfish?
S/V Sine Qua Non


Re: "What" is a morse blackfish?

Post by john »

Warren Kaplan wrote: Since the weather around here has reduced me to staring at my owners manual rather than actually working on my boat, I need to have a question answered that has been bugging me for about a year. Every time I look at the schematic of the dreaded stuffing box in the manual of my CD27, there is this "thing" oddly named "morse blackfish". I have never read about it or seen any reference to a morse blackfish anywhere else...and believe me I've looked. So, I've turned to the omnipotent CCDOA message board to deliver me from my ignorance once again! What is it and does anyone know the derivation of the name morse blackfish?
S/V Sine Qua Non
Don't know where the name came from, but it referres to the cutlass bearing.

Larry DeMers

Re: "What" is a morse blackfish?

Post by Larry DeMers »

The Morse Blackfish, as referenced in the CD owners manual is the brand and product name of the stern bearing (cutlass bearing) that CD used at the time of construction. I reserached this name on the Morse Control site, and they don't list the product any longer, which is ok, since there are several other sources avaialable.


Larry DeMers
s/v DeLaMer
Cape Dory 30 ~~~Locked in the permafrost on Lake Superior~~~

Warren Kaplan wrote: Since the weather around here has reduced me to staring at my owners manual rather than actually working on my boat, I need to have a question answered that has been bugging me for about a year. Every time I look at the schematic of the dreaded stuffing box in the manual of my CD27, there is this "thing" oddly named "morse blackfish". I have never read about it or seen any reference to a morse blackfish anywhere else...and believe me I've looked. So, I've turned to the omnipotent CCDOA message board to deliver me from my ignorance once again! What is it and does anyone know the derivation of the name morse blackfish?
S/V Sine Qua Non

D. Stump, Hanalei

Re: Geez, Larry and john are fast....!!!!

Post by D. Stump, Hanalei »


Both Larry and John are correct. The Morse "Blackfish" and the Johnson "Back" both refer to the cutlass bearing. After a little research, I couldn't find the origin of either term, however it could be manufacturer names orientation.

So, go down to the yard, scrape and paint her bottom, and make ready to launch!! Isn't this a great site????

Dave Stump
Nautical Traditions Officer
New England Cape Dory Owners Association
Captain and Commander of S/V Hanalei
Warren Kaplan

Re: Geez, Larry and john are fast....!!!!

Post by Warren Kaplan »

D. Stump, Hanalei wrote: Dave Stump
Nautical Traditions Officer
New England Cape Dory Owners Association
Captain and Commander of S/V Hanalei
Congratulations on the promotion as listed above. This is the first time you've signed off that way isn't it? Admiral can't be too far in the future!

Warren Kaplan
Captain commanding S/V Sine Qua Non....
Also bottom scraper, teak refinisher, deck washer, bilge pumper, engine mechanic, nautical electrician, and head evacuator!

Bob Loewenstein

Re: "What" is a morse blackfish?

Post by Bob Loewenstein »

Look at any boat catalog's listings of cutless bearings. The names of all are very exotic sounding.


Re: Does anyone know why it is called a "cutless" bearing? (

Post by Geezer »

I believe it is called a cutless bearing because any sand in the water is flushed out rather than scoring the shaft and bearing.
Larry DeMers

Re: Geez, Larry and john are fast....!!!!

Post by Larry DeMers »

Hee, head evacuator indeed!! heh..;^)) Thanks for a really needed schmiley!!


Warren Kaplan wrote:
D. Stump, Hanalei wrote: Dave Stump
Nautical Traditions Officer
New England Cape Dory Owners Association
Captain and Commander of S/V Hanalei
Congratulations on the promotion as listed above. This is the first time you've signed off that way isn't it? Admiral can't be too far in the future!

Warren Kaplan
Captain commanding S/V Sine Qua Non....
Also bottom scraper, teak refinisher, deck washer, bilge pumper, engine mechanic, nautical electrician, and head evacuator!

D. Stump, Hanalei

Re: Warren, you strike me to the quick....

Post by D. Stump, Hanalei »


Actually Leo McDonald bestowed the title on me at the last meeting of the New England Fleet at his home. He probably did it because I brought a scale model of a Nepolian III cannon to his house with a large red flag that I flew on his flag pole. As each Captain arrived at the house, I fired a single gun and pointed to the flag. Those signals were used to "require all Captains to repair aboard the Admirals flag" by the British Navy. By the way, ya should have seen the neighbors DUCK! We could probably expect more fun like this at the meeting at Napatree and Block this summer, hope you will be there.

At any rate, I haven't used it before because I didn't want to appear, or sound, austentatious(sp?). So, in the future, I will sign off as....

Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30
Michael Heintz


Post by Michael Heintz »


If we see Hanalei with cannon mounted, we may have to take action!!!!!

Michael Heintz
Pirate Commanding
s/v Machts Nichts CD 30 MKII

D. Stump, Hanalei

Re: Swivel mount for an 18" cannon barrel?????

Post by D. Stump, Hanalei »

Pirate Captain Heintz,

Got any idea where I can find a swivel mount for the cannon barrel. If I could mount it on the pushpit just to Starboard of the helm, it would be perfect!! A few 3/4" holes between wind and water would be just the thing to make a fleet get together really fun! Uh, maybe not!

D. Stump
HMS Hanalei
1 gun ship of the line
Michael Heintz

1 gun ship of the line

Post by Michael Heintz »

Nautical Traditions Officer: Sir D. Stump HMS Hanalei

Currently accomplishing spring fit up of Machts Nichts.

Bow and Stern guns to be mounted.

Be warned, sir. If our paths cross at N41-04.15 x W072-16.45 17 July 01 We will take action.

Could go down in history "The Cape Dory Frigate Squadron"

Michael Heintz
Pirate Commanding
s/v Machts Nichts CD 30 MKII

Bob Luby

Re: Does anyone know why it is called a "cutless" bearing? (

Post by Bob Luby »

That's right, but there's a little more to the story.

My understanding is that when they were first introduced, Goodyear used the trademark "Cutlass", ( a pun ) as the brand name of its water-lubricated rubber shaft bearing. The name stuck, and people now use the term "cutless".

Trivia - I love it!

Catherine Monaghan

Re: CDSOA, Inc. -- Northeast Fleet

Post by Catherine Monaghan »


You've got your title correct but the name of the organization is the Cape Dory Sailboat Owners Assn., Inc., Northeast Fleet.

Now you can't start a tradition of forgetting which organizations you belong to.:-)


D. Stump, Hanalei wrote: Warren,

Both Larry and John are correct. The Morse "Blackfish" and the Johnson "Back" both refer to the cutlass bearing. After a little research, I couldn't find the origin of either term, however it could be manufacturer names orientation.

So, go down to the yard, scrape and paint her bottom, and make ready to launch!! Isn't this a great site????

Dave Stump
Nautical Traditions Officer
New England Cape Dory Owners Association
Captain and Commander of S/V Hanalei

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