Removing Vinyl Lettering

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Lyle Lunson

Removing Vinyl Lettering

Post by Lyle Lunson »

I was wondering if anyone had any good advice on removing vinyl lettering off without completely scratching the gelcoat up. A razor blade just seems to take sooooo long.


Intrepid 28
(Can't think of a Name)
John Nuttall

Re: Removing Vinyl Lettering

Post by John Nuttall »

Maybe a Heat Gun on low.....or a hair dryer?

Then use adhesive remover or acetone to get off the glue....

I don't really know, but that's what I'd try... :-)
David Brownlee

Re: Removing Vinyl Lettering

Post by David Brownlee »

Hair dryer and putty knife followed by cleanup with paint thinner worked fine for me.

David Brownlee
CD31 #1 newly renamed WINDRUSH
Havre de Grace, MD

Re: Removing Vinyl Lettering

Post by Bill »

I just completed this task last week. I used a GOOD pressure washer to get most of the lettering and then acetone (sp) and you cant tell where the lettering was (after three years).

Lyle Lunson wrote: I was wondering if anyone had any good advice on removing vinyl lettering off without completely scratching the gelcoat up. A razor blade just seems to take sooooo long.


Intrepid 28
(Can't think of a Name)
Duncan Maio

Re: Removing Vinyl Lettering

Post by Duncan Maio »

The recommended removal technique is a little heat from a hair dryer or heat gun, and a little patience. Adhesive remover may or may not be necessary, depending on how warm the underlying surface is.

Duncan Maio
John R.

Re: Removing Vinyl Lettering

Post by John R. »

Go to your local auto body shop paint supplier and ask for a vinyl graphics or vinyl stripe remover. It is a 3-4" diamater by 1/2" thick soft rubber wheel with an arbor that you use with a drill and it just abrades the vinyl right off. They work beautifully. No they don't damage the underlying surface. Use it at the recommended rpm. When finished just do a quick wipe or two with a clean white rag and some naptha (lighterfluid is the same thing). Perfect job when finished.
Lyle Lunson wrote: I was wondering if anyone had any good advice on removing vinyl lettering off without completely scratching the gelcoat up. A razor blade just seems to take sooooo long.


Intrepid 28
(Can't think of a Name)
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