Nissan 5hp for inflatable

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Don Metznik

Nissan 5hp for inflatable

Post by Don Metznik »

I am not familiar with the Nissan line of outboards and am considering their 5hp for my inflatable for cost and weight reasons. Any inherent problems, quality issues, bad experiences?
Bob Chamberland

Re: Nissan 5hp for inflatable

Post by Bob Chamberland »

I have a 5hp 4cycle Nissan and BoatUS inflatable that I bought last spring. No problems, starts right up, relatively quiet and no oil gas mix. Watch for sales at BoatUS.

Don Metznik wrote: I am not familiar with the Nissan line of outboards and am considering their 5hp for my inflatable for cost and weight reasons. Any inherent problems, quality issues, bad experiences?
Mark Ruhnke

Re: Nissan 5hp for inflatable

Post by Mark Ruhnke »

If you buy the 5hp Nissan don't make the same mistake I did. It kept it stored on deck horizontally. This made it very difficult to start when I needed to use it.
Lyn Heiges

Re: Nissan 5hp for inflatable

Post by Lyn Heiges »

I have the Mercury version of this fine engine. I have the 4HP which has the integral fuel tank only and the only difference for horsepower is the carburetor. This is changable to make the 4 a 5 HP. It is unbelieveably reliable and I carry it either on the stern pulpit (mounting block installed) or on a special carrier which looks like a hand cart at home. Wish my 200 HP Mercury Black Max on my Grady-White was a trouble-free!

Lyn Heiges
Cape Dory 28 Sloop MOON CHILD
Mercury Quicksilver 270 TOM CAT
Grady-White Tournement 19 SCAMP TOO
Don Metznik wrote: I am not familiar with the Nissan line of outboards and am considering their 5hp for my inflatable for cost and weight reasons. Any inherent problems, quality issues, bad experiences?
Paul Schultz

Is 5hp enough?

Post by Paul Schultz »

Is 5 hp enough to plane a 10' inflatable loaded w/ gear? I just acquired a 10' Achilles with the air floor (about 77lbs) and am looking at the nissan 8hp for it. I will probably haul at max around 800lbs people/gear/motor. I would like to be able to plane the inflatable with that load. Obviously, the smallest outboard that can accomplish this is desirable to keep its weight to a minimum.

BTW - Cabela's (mail order) seems to have pretty good prices on Nissan.

Thanks in advance
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