An offer and some Typhoon questions

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An offer and some Typhoon questions

Post by Spoefish »

My Typhoon 1635 "Nymph" (1979) has been laid up since my daughter was born 4 years ago - now things are getting a little more under control and since I am getting ready to retire later this year, it is time go get back to work on the boat. First the offer - couple of years ago I needed to replace the tiller and ended up laminating my own (ash and mahogany - turned out great). Still have the laminating form, and if anyone in the Annapolis, MD area needs to do a new tiller they are welcome to borrow the form.

The questions:

I need to re-bed the deck fittings - any recommendations on what works best for this?

Also need to repaint the non-skid areas of the deck - again what seems to works best for this?

And, looks like Cetol is what a lot of folks are using for the wood. I had been using Amazon teak oil, but am up for something that gives more protection.

The seat lockers have always been a real headache - on the Typhoon they don't have a very good latching systep (bungies or some such) - and they collect a lot of dirt and crud. Been thinking of just fastening them down in a more parmanent way - or at least something better that the "stock" system.


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