Masthead Strobe

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

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Richard Stanley

Masthead Strobe

Post by Richard Stanley »

When I purchased my boat lo these three years ago, there was/is a strobe mounted on the masthead. No tricolor, no anchor light.

I have proper lighting at deck level, and a steaming light on the front of the mast. I have always used a parafin anchor light (to keep from having to change out the light at masthead).

My question is this, why would anyone have put a strobe light up there? I can think of few situations where it is legal.

Comments? I am about to take the mast down, and plan to change it with my feet planted on terra firma. But if there is something I am missing, I would leave it in place.

Thanks. Richard

P.S.: Anyone want to buy a really nice strobe light?

Re: Masthead Strobe

Post by john »

Richard Stanley wrote: When I purchased my boat lo these three years ago, there was/is a strobe mounted on the masthead. No tricolor, no anchor light.

I have proper lighting at deck level, and a steaming light on the front of the mast. I have always used a parafin anchor light (to keep from having to change out the light at masthead).

My question is this, why would anyone have put a strobe light up there? I can think of few situations where it is legal.

Comments? I am about to take the mast down, and plan to change it with my feet planted on terra firma. But if there is something I am missing, I would leave it in place.

Thanks. Richard

P.S.: Anyone want to buy a really nice strobe light?
Replace it with a tri color if you sail off shore. Maybe one of those lightning defusers, they really work.
John cd31 #18
Murray Glue

Re: Masthead Strobe

Post by Murray Glue »

The main function is to provide a clear signal to shipping when offshore, and to attract the attention of the officer on watch ( if he or she is in fact, on watch ). I have been meaning to fit one to
Dayspring for an ocean passage this year, along with a tricolor.
Legal they are not, but for being seen on a foul night or in an emergency, priceless. Having said all that, how much do you want for it, and would you send it to New Zealand ? I havent seen one to buy

Murray Glue
CD30 Dayspring
New Zealand
John R.

Re: Masthead Strobe

Post by John R. »

Murray Glue wrote: The main function is to provide a clear signal to shipping when offshore, and to attract the attention of the officer on watch ( if he or she is in fact, on watch ). I have been meaning to fit one to
Dayspring for an ocean passage this year, along with a tricolor.
Legal they are not, but for being seen on a foul night or in an emergency, priceless. Having said all that, how much do you want for it, and would you send it to New Zealand ? I havent seen one to buy

Murray Glue
CD30 Dayspring
New Zealand
Murray is absolutely correct. They are not legal except on inland waters. However, sailing offshore and having things become dangerous or life threatening anyone in their right mind would want and would use one. I have a Aqua Signal Series 40 tricolor/anchor with strobe mounted on the masthead of our CD30. I've used it briefly once to get attention in a compromised visibility situation. I feel very comfortable knowing that it in the event of a dire situation it is up there at the masthead ready in an instant if things become critical. It's damn good insurance.
Richard Stanley

Re: Masthead Strobe

Post by Richard Stanley »

Thanks for the info.

I will look into the combo tricolor/strobe.

While I am not paricularly inclined to send it to New Zealand, contact me offlist if you are truly interested. Who knows, I might just deliver it in person.


Re: Masthead Strobe

Post by mike »

I second the notion of having and using a strobe aloft.

I've carried the same Aqua Signal light aloft and have used in in more than one ocean passage, it does attract the attention of the deck officer and is invaluable in foul weather if you want to be seen.
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