Question for Webmaster

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

Moderator: Jim Walsh

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Jerry J Commisso

Question for Webmaster

Post by Jerry J Commisso »

It has been taking a very long time to download messages from the information exchange. I never had this problem before and would like to know if others are experiencing this same problem.

Jerry J Commisso
S/V CD30c
Ken Coit

Re: Question for Webmaster

Post by Ken Coit »


This board is running a super speed for me today. I was having a problem with everything yesterday afternoon from the office, but I don't know whether that was my computer, the intranet I run on, or the internet. It went away about 4:45 after I rebooted the computer, so it may have been just a great loss of buffer space in memory. I suggest you try a reboot the next time you get stuck like that.

Spring is just around the corner, the robins are flocking around the birdbath and the daffodils have poked through!

S/V Parfait
Raleigh, NC
Jerry J Commisso wrote: It has been taking a very long time to download messages from the information exchange. I never had this problem before and would like to know if others are experiencing this same problem.

Jerry J Commisso
S/V CD30c
Warren Kaplan

Re: Question for Webmaster

Post by Warren Kaplan »

Ken Coit wrote: Spring is just around the corner, the robins are flocking around the birdbath and the daffodils have poked through!

S/V Parfait
Raleigh, NC
You've got robins and daffodils already in North Carolina!! I've got snow, mud and starving squirrels up here on Long Island. Even the seagulls and merganser ducks sitting on the ice in the inlet behind my house look "forelorn". I think this board should send up a prayer to the Gods of Spring asking them to head north and make an early appearance from the Mid Atlantic States up through New England and then out to the Great Lakes area. Enough of this!
S/V Sine Qua Non
Long Island, New York
Walt Bilofsky (Webmaster)

Re: Question for Webmaster

Post by Walt Bilofsky (Webmaster) »

Jerry J Commisso wrote: It has been taking a very long time to download messages from the information exchange. I never had this problem before and would like to know if others are experiencing this same problem.

Jerry J Commisso
Jerry -

Our Internet Service Provider is a relatively small one, and the servers are occasionally not as responsive as they could be. On the other hand their pricing is quite reasonable, which is why we haven't put ads on the board or passed the hat.

I think they have been about as reliable, on average, as my AT&T @Home service. Everything on the Internet goes slow once in a while. But I haven't gotten email complaints in a while, so either things have been OK or everyone's gotten used to it. :-)

- Walt Bilofsky
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