CDSOA NE Fleet Informational Meeting -- 2/24/2001

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

Moderator: Jim Walsh

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Catherine Monaghan

CDSOA NE Fleet Informational Meeting -- 2/24/2001

Post by Catherine Monaghan »

<H2><CENTER>Owners of Cape Dory Sail and Power Boats</CENTER></H2>

The Northeast Fleet of the CDSOA will be holding an informational meeting on February 24, 2001 in West Yarmouth, MA.

All current and past owners of Cape Dory vessels, as well as Cape Dory owner wannabees, are invited to attend. The meeting details are as follows:

<BLOCKQUOTE><BLOCKQUOTE><FONT SIZE="+2"></FONT><TABLE WIDTH="325" BORDER="1" CELLSPACING="2"><TR><TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="TOP"> Date:  </TD><TD WIDTH="86%" VALIGN="TOP"> February 24, 2001</TD></TR><TR><TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="TOP"> Time: </TD><TD WIDTH="86%" VALIGN="TOP"> 1:00p.m. </TD></TR><TR><TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="TOP"> Place: </TD><TD WIDTH="86%" VALIGN="TOP">44 Constance Avenue<BR>West Yarmouth, MA 02673</TD></TR><TR><TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="TOP"> </TD><TD WIDTH="86%" VALIGN="TOP"> </TD></TR><TR><TD WIDTH="14%" VALIGN="TOP"> RSVP: </TD><TD WIDTH="86%" VALIGN="TOP"> Mike Thorpe<BR>508-394-9514<BR>508-398-1770<BR><A HREF=" Fleet Expansion Meeting"></A></TD></TR></TABLE></BLOCKQUOTE></BLOCKQUOTE>

What is the Cape Dory Sailboat Owners Association (CDSOA) Northeast Fleet? Glad you asked.

<BLOCKQUOTE><BLOCKQUOTE>We are a nationwide owners association headquartered in Maryland with members in 40 states, loosely structured in the form of 3 Fleets and individual members.

The Northeast Fleet was formed in January 2000 and encompasses home ports from Maine to New Jersey. Currently the NE Fleet has 56 members: 53 sailboats and 2 powerboats. We had our first fleet rendezvous on July 7-9, 2000: 17 boats and 49 sailors attended.

As the NE Fleet, we intend to have "on-the-water" functions and a mid-winter land function each year. Our on-the-water functions are still a "work in progress" but some of the suggested activities include a raft-up in the Forks of Long Island area, a group anchorage in the Napatree, RI/CT area, a Cape Dory race from Napatree to Block Island, our Cape Dory 2001 Rendezvous on Block Island, and an offshore sail from Buzzards Bay, MA to Tenant's Harbor, ME followed by a cruise of the Maine coast.

</BLOCKQUOTE></BLOCKQUOTE>Want to know more? Check out our web site at <A HREF=""> ... m/cdsoa</A> and join us at our informational meeting.
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