Axle grease on prop for barnicles???

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Warren Kaplan

Axle grease on prop for barnicles???

Post by Warren Kaplan »

The "Tip of the Day" on (12/28/00) says that axle grease on the prop keeps barnicles from sticking. We have hashed and rehashed "cures" for barnicle fouled props on these boards ad nauseum. Everything from antifouling paint to anhydrous lanolin. Anybody have any opinions on this axle grease tip?? If it works, how long does the grease last on the prop? Any particular type of grease?? I've always found the stuff on sailnet pretty good so I'm wondering if this tip is "fair or foul".

Re: Axle grease on prop for barnicles???

Post by sloopjohnl »

axle grease and wheel bearing grease are pretty much one and the same. a very heavy, dense grease that is pretty much water proof as your auto wheels will attest to. never tried it because i'm in fresh water, but for a sail prop i think it would be worth a try. put it on a dry prop, work it in good, let set up for a day, launch.

Warren Kaplan wrote: The "Tip of the Day" on (12/28/00) says that axle grease on the prop keeps barnicles from sticking. We have hashed and rehashed "cures" for barnicle fouled props on these boards ad nauseum. Everything from antifouling paint to anhydrous lanolin. Anybody have any opinions on this axle grease tip?? If it works, how long does the grease last on the prop? Any particular type of grease?? I've always found the stuff on sailnet pretty good so I'm wondering if this tip is "fair or foul".
Don Sargeant

Re: Axle grease on prop for barnicles???

Post by Don Sargeant »

I used to use STP. It stays on rotating parts longer. I stopped using it but don't know why.
Don Sargeant
CD25D #189
Grease free in Greenwich Cove

sloopjohnl wrote: axle grease and wheel bearing grease are pretty much one and the same. a very heavy, dense grease that is pretty much water proof as your auto wheels will attest to. never tried it because i'm in fresh water, but for a sail prop i think it would be worth a try. put it on a dry prop, work it in good, let set up for a day, launch.

Warren Kaplan wrote: The "Tip of the Day" on (12/28/00) says that axle grease on the prop keeps barnicles from sticking. We have hashed and rehashed "cures" for barnicle fouled props on these boards ad nauseum. Everything from antifouling paint to anhydrous lanolin. Anybody have any opinions on this axle grease tip?? If it works, how long does the grease last on the prop? Any particular type of grease?? I've always found the stuff on sailnet pretty good so I'm wondering if this tip is "fair or foul".
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