'72 Ty advice

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Michael Hobbs

'72 Ty advice

Post by Michael Hobbs »

I will be looking at a 1972 CD Typhoon next week, and I wonder if there is anything about Ty's of that era that I should be looking for.
I am told that the cabin top is ok and that there are no cracks or signs of stress elsewhere around the deck. The owner has mentioned that the starboard coaming is cracked where the winch attaches, and claims that that is fairly common. From the pictures I note that the boat has no outboard mount. I understand the original ones were bronze. Is annthing like that available today?

Jim Sullivan

Re: '72 Ty advice

Post by Jim Sullivan »

Michael Hobbs wrote: I will be looking at a 1972 CD Typhoon next week, and I wonder if there is anything about Ty's of that era that I should be looking for.
I am told that the cabin top is ok and that there are no cracks or signs of stress elsewhere around the deck. The owner has mentioned that the starboard coaming is cracked where the winch attaches, and claims that that is fairly common. From the pictures I note that the boat has no outboard mount. I understand the original ones were bronze. Is annthing like that available today?
I would make sure that it has the two large support braces (knees)in the cabin area to support the downward stress from the mast. My '71 Typhoon has these braces. The '73 Ty that I previously owned did not have these larger braces and due to the lack of proper support for the mast, there was considerable sagging of the foredeck to aft. The '71 does not have a cabin headliner but the '73 did. This site has featured articles about adding a compression post below the mast to control this problem. My Ty has the original bracket for the outboard which hangs over the transom. I do not know a source for this item. Some owners have mounted an outboard brakcet on the transom. I would certainly check the standing rigging and the condition of the sails. Other items to check would be the thru hull fittings, rudder attachment, condition of the outboard,etc. Good Luck.


Re: '72 Ty advice

Post by sloopjohnl »

spartan marine and bristol bronze offer motor mounts that are actually better than original. they angle down toward the water surface to get the motor deeper in the water. not cheap though!!

I will be looking at a 1972 CD Typhoon next week, and I wonder if there is anything about Ty's of that era that I should be looking for.
Michael Hobbs wrote: I am told that the cabin top is ok and that there are no cracks or signs of stress elsewhere around the deck. The owner has mentioned that the starboard coaming is cracked where the winch attaches, and claims that that is fairly common. From the pictures I note that the boat has no outboard mount. I understand the original ones were bronze. Is annthing like that available today?
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