I am looking for a good place to mount a compass on my typhoon weekender. I currently have one mounted to the port side of the "wooden hatch" that leads below but it constantly gets in the way of someone sitting over there. I was thinking of mounting it on top of the sliding fiberglass hatch cover. Does any see any problems mounting it there. It seems very thin and I am a little concerned it may crack if something is mounted on it. Any suggestions of another place to mount it?
Typhoon "Pegasus"
Typhoon Compass Location?
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: Typhoon Compass Location?
as an inland lake sailor i don't use a compass regularly but when i purchased my ty from a guy who sailed Barnegat Bay, NJ he had a removable location. he drilled two holes in the piece of teak under the sliding companionway hatch cover which lends support to the aft end of the cover. he then attached the compass by through-bolting it at this location. however, it must be removed to secure the companionway hatch boards. this location offers centerline accuracy and good visibility.
Robert Melvin wrote: I am looking for a good place to mount a compass on my typhoon weekender. I currently have one mounted to the port side of the "wooden hatch" that leads below but it constantly gets in the way of someone sitting over there. I was thinking of mounting it on top of the sliding fiberglass hatch cover. Does any see any problems mounting it there. It seems very thin and I am a little concerned it may crack if something is mounted on it. Any suggestions of another place to mount it?
Typhoon "Pegasus"
Re: Typhoon Compass Location?
Dear Rob:Robert Melvin wrote: I am looking for a good place to mount a compass on my typhoon weekender. I currently have one mounted to the port side of the "wooden hatch" that leads below but it constantly gets in the way of someone sitting over there. I was thinking of mounting it on top of the sliding fiberglass hatch cover. Does any see any problems mounting it there. It seems very thin and I am a little concerned it may crack if something is mounted on it. Any suggestions of another place to mount it?
We have our compass mounted to a piece of wood that fits the cabin hatch door way. We take out the door, then slide this insert in, (which also has a couple of drink holders mouted on either side ot the compass.) This works well, is low profile enough that you can still step down into the cabin, and is easy to put in and take out as needed. If you use the bottom of you hatch door as a pattern, you could easily make one for your boat!
Robert Melvin wrote: Rob
Typhoon "Pegasus"
Re: Typhoon Compass Location?
Greetings Rob;Robert Melvin wrote: I am looking for a good place to mount a compass on my typhoon weekender. I currently have one mounted to the port side of the "wooden hatch" that leads below but it constantly gets in the way of someone sitting over there. I was thinking of mounting it on top of the sliding fiberglass hatch cover. Does any see any problems mounting it there. It seems very thin and I am a little concerned it may crack if something is mounted on it. Any suggestions of another place to mount it?
Typhoon "Pegasus"
Start with the places you do not want it located-the p/s bulkheads come to my mind first..The lower hatch board seemed like the best alternative..I bought a small piece of teak from our yard and had our carpenter use the lower hatch board as a template for my new "compass board".I leave the compass board on during the season and replace it with the original for the off season..Knees get in the way occasionally, but it seems the best of the other more unattractive sites..Good luck
s/v Mischief
Re: Typhoon Compass Location?
Sounds like I'm in the minority, but I didn't like the hatch board solution. Since I'm not relying on this compass for ocean passages I settled for a nice little Ritchie that fits in a 3" hole drilled just below the hatch in the lip of the cockpit. A little 4200, and you're done.
The card is reasonably large...be careful of that...but it's on centerline and easy enough to see. (email back and I'll find the model number for you). It even has a light if you're so inclined.
Good luck!
Sounds like I'm in the minority, but I didn't like the hatch board solution. Since I'm not relying on this compass for ocean passages I settled for a nice little Ritchie that fits in a 3" hole drilled just below the hatch in the lip of the cockpit. A little 4200, and you're done.
The card is reasonably large...be careful of that...but it's on centerline and easy enough to see. (email back and I'll find the model number for you). It even has a light if you're so inclined.
Good luck!