"BY LAND" CD Rendezvous 2000 Attendees

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

Moderator: Jim Walsh

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Catherine Monaghan

"BY LAND" CD Rendezvous 2000 Attendees

Post by Catherine Monaghan »

Ruth Ann has talked with the caterer and they are agreeable to the Saturday evening <B><FONT SIZE="+1">dinner only</FONT></B> for our "By Land" local Cape Dorians.  The Price is $30.00 per person instead of $50.00.  Please download the <a href="http://www.toolworks.com/cdsoa/NErendez ... gistration Form</a>, fill it in, write diagonally across it <B><FONT SIZE="+1">"DINNER ONLY"</FONT></B> in <B><FONT SIZE="+1">BIG</FONT></B> letters and send it and the check to Ruth.

Ruth E. MacDonald
332 South Burnham Hwy
Lisbon, CT 06351 
Due to this being <a href="http://www.nu.com/aboutNU/power/mill.htm">NU company property</a>, Leo has to know who you and your crew/guests are and he is responsible for all the rendezvous guests at the site.  If you plan on bringing guests please also have their name(s) on the Registration Form (or have them fill out a separate form.)

If you have any questions, please contact Leo MacDonald via e-mail to macdola@gwsmtp.nu.com or by phone, 860-859-9600.

CD32 <a href="http://www.hometown.aol.com/bcomet/real ... ization</a>, #3
NE Fleet Secretary -- CDSOA, Inc.

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