I'm curoius to know if I have rigged the boom on my typhoon correctly. Here's what I did. I had two round track stops, one of which I put into the mast slot and slid it down keeping it loose. I then inserted the boom and then the other round track stop on top of the boom. I then hoisted the main all the way, then pulled "down" on the boom as much as I could to get as much slack out of the sail as possible. Then tightened both track stops. Is this correct? I apologize in advance for being such a novice at this.
CD Typhoon "PEGASUS"
Typhoon Boom Question
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: Typhoon Boom Question
I only use one track stop and higher up in the track to keep the sail slides from falling down (and out) when I lower the sail. I keep it flaked on the boom when I am not sailing. Rig a down-haul with stiff 3/16 cord through the hole in the gooseneck and tie it to the cleat at the mast base. When you take the sail off, or fold it on to the boom, tie the down-haul up to the ring on the slide on the front of the mast, or any other mast cleat to keep the boom up. When I hoist the sail, I cleat the downhaul first and then really pull on the halyard to get the luff tight. Have fun, JH Typhoon #28 'Spirit'
Re: Typhoon Boom Question
john's got it right. if you have jiffy reefing you may have to remove that sail slide stop so that one or two sail slides can drop out of the track so you can get a deep enough reef with good sail trim to the luff. put it in a safe place like your pocket. even if you take it home at least you will have it for the next sail!!!!
I'm curoius to know if I have rigged the boom on my typhoon correctly. Here's what I did. I had two round track stops, one of which I put into the mast slot and slid it down keeping it loose. I then inserted the boom and then the other round track stop on top of the boom. I then hoisted the main all the way, then pulled "down" on the boom as much as I could to get as much slack out of the sail as possible. Then tightened both track stops. Is this correct? I apologize in advance for being such a novice at this.
I'm curoius to know if I have rigged the boom on my typhoon correctly. Here's what I did. I had two round track stops, one of which I put into the mast slot and slid it down keeping it loose. I then inserted the boom and then the other round track stop on top of the boom. I then hoisted the main all the way, then pulled "down" on the boom as much as I could to get as much slack out of the sail as possible. Then tightened both track stops. Is this correct? I apologize in advance for being such a novice at this.
Rob Melvin wrote: Thanks,
CD Typhoon "PEGASUS"
Re: Typhoon Boom Question
Let's get somewhat technical; the Cape Dory Typhoon, as rigged originally, had two sail adjustments. 1) the Outhaul, 2) the Cunningham. Both of these adjustments affect sail shape.
The outhaul, the line that pulls the sail toward the end of the boom,affects only the lower 20-30% of the sail. The more you ease it, loosen, the more power you generate in that portion of the sail. However, even when it's windy, the power doesn't hurt you much because it is in the lower portion of the sail and doesn't create much heeling movement.
The Cunningham, the line that pulls the luff or front of the sail downward affects the draft of the sail. A tight Cunningham helps to keep the draft forward and the leech open helping with heavey air handling. A loose Cunningham moves the draft to the stern, closing up the leech, increasing the fineness of the sail entry and improving your pointing ability and increasing the power generated by the sail. In light air the Cunningham should be extremely loose, in fact you should see some wrinkles along the luff of the sail, not to the extreme of course. When the boat starts to heel excessively as the air gets heavier, tighten up the Cunningham until control is regained. Of course, in very heavy air you will need to take in a reef point to further depower the sail.
As you are first learning, and until you get the feel of the boat, tightening is advisable. I would suggest going out in light air initially, 5-10 knots, and experimenting with you sail controls to get the feel of how the boat responds to control inputs. At this wind speed the Typhoon is what I call an Act of God Boat. It takes an Act of God to really get a lot of boat speed but it also takes an Act of God to knock it down. Don't misunderstand me. I purchased my Typoon new in 1980 and have thoroughly enjoyed the experience. But I also race Lasers and J24's and enjoy that also.
It's a great boat, get to know her.
Let's get somewhat technical; the Cape Dory Typhoon, as rigged originally, had two sail adjustments. 1) the Outhaul, 2) the Cunningham. Both of these adjustments affect sail shape.
The outhaul, the line that pulls the sail toward the end of the boom,affects only the lower 20-30% of the sail. The more you ease it, loosen, the more power you generate in that portion of the sail. However, even when it's windy, the power doesn't hurt you much because it is in the lower portion of the sail and doesn't create much heeling movement.
The Cunningham, the line that pulls the luff or front of the sail downward affects the draft of the sail. A tight Cunningham helps to keep the draft forward and the leech open helping with heavey air handling. A loose Cunningham moves the draft to the stern, closing up the leech, increasing the fineness of the sail entry and improving your pointing ability and increasing the power generated by the sail. In light air the Cunningham should be extremely loose, in fact you should see some wrinkles along the luff of the sail, not to the extreme of course. When the boat starts to heel excessively as the air gets heavier, tighten up the Cunningham until control is regained. Of course, in very heavy air you will need to take in a reef point to further depower the sail.
As you are first learning, and until you get the feel of the boat, tightening is advisable. I would suggest going out in light air initially, 5-10 knots, and experimenting with you sail controls to get the feel of how the boat responds to control inputs. At this wind speed the Typhoon is what I call an Act of God Boat. It takes an Act of God to really get a lot of boat speed but it also takes an Act of God to knock it down. Don't misunderstand me. I purchased my Typoon new in 1980 and have thoroughly enjoyed the experience. But I also race Lasers and J24's and enjoy that also.
It's a great boat, get to know her.
Rob Melvin wrote: I'm curoius to know if I have rigged the boom on my typhoon correctly. Here's what I did. I had two round track stops, one of which I put into the mast slot and slid it down keeping it loose. I then inserted the boom and then the other round track stop on top of the boom. I then hoisted the main all the way, then pulled "down" on the boom as much as I could to get as much slack out of the sail as possible. Then tightened both track stops. Is this correct? I apologize in advance for being such a novice at this
CD Typhoon "PEGASUS"