Definition please - "bridgedeck"

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

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Definition please - "bridgedeck"

Post by Rich »

I see this term used, often in reference to the seaworthiness of a boat. What exactly is a bridgedeck and what is the significance of it's size? (Just so you know, I don't feel too dumb asking; an extensive search on the web yielded no results.)

Re: Definition please - "bridgedeck"

Post by Tom »

Rich wrote: I see this term used, often in reference to the seaworthiness of a boat. What exactly is a bridgedeck and what is the significance of it's size? (Just so you know, I don't feel too dumb asking; an extensive search on the web yielded no results.)
Rich, The bridgedeck is the deck which runs across the deck at the forward end of the cockpit just aft of the companionway. One of the weakest spots on a sailboat is where the main hatch is located because there is a big hole there to allow access below through the companionway. Forward of the hatch the deck and cabin span the entire width of the boat which is very strong. When you cut a cockpit into the deck at the aft end of a boat and then cut a hatch in the cabin, you've weakened that integrity. When you bridge that weak spot with a "bridgedeck" at the forward end of the cockpit, you strengthen that spot immensely. The size, beefiness and so on of that bridgedeck tell you something about the strength of construction of the entire boat. Cape Dorys have a nice wide bridgedeck. Many boats have no bridgedeck which gives you a roomy cockpit and easy access below, but it also tells you something about the construction and what happens when you fill the cockpit with a wave.

Re: Definition please - "bridgedeck"

Post by Rich »

Perfect answer and one more reason to love these boats. (And one more way to apologize for the small cockpit.) Intuitively, I knew there had to be something wrong with these "modern" cockpits with their cockpit sole to cabin top companionways. That's (potentially) a lot of water to deal with down below.
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