renaming a boat!

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

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Michael D

renaming a boat!

Post by Michael D »

I'm not superstitious, but...Isn't there some ceremony I should do
to rename my boat??
D. Stump, Hanalei

Re: Yes there is a ceremony....Catherine, it's for you...

Post by D. Stump, Hanalei »


Yes, there is a ceremony that recognizes Aeolis and Neptune, Gods of the winds and sea. Catherine Monaghan had the text of the ceremony, I may have it at home, will look and post it next week if I can find it. The denaming ceremony requires the use of "Virgin" urine, this may be the most difficult part of the whole ceremony! I walked the docks for weeks trying to find a supply to dename Hanalei, and never did find any! West Marine said they might have a source that could supply about 1 ounce for the modest charge of $250.00!!! Finally used a cheap, but adequate white wine, and I guess the God's didn't notice, 'cause Hanalei's doing just fine. You will need a very good bottle of champagne to rename her, not too good though, as the dock yard guys drank most of the champagne when we launched Hanalei. And, that was at 9:00am!

Good luck with the new boat...fair winds and following seas...

Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30

Re: renaming a boat!

Post by J.P.Smith »

Here is the info from my 2 best sources:


Everyone knows that renaming your boat will bring nothing but bad luck and make your boating
experience something that you will want to forget. But what happens when, after months of
searching, you find your dreamboat with a name that you just cannot live with. For example, my
first love was a 28-foot Alden with the most beautiful lines I’d ever seen. She was named
Perfidious. How could anything this graceful be named betrayer of trust? Well, I never bought
her, but I often thought that if I had, I would have renamed her Magic, after my wife.

Renaming a boat is, of course, not something to be done lightly. Since the beginning of time,
sailors have sworn that there are unlucky ships and the unluckiest ships of all are those who
have defied the gods and changed their names. So, is there a way to change a name and not
incur the wrath of those deities that rule the elements? Yes, Virginia, there is.

According to legend, each and every
vessel is recorded by name in the Ledger
of the Deep and is known personally to
Poseidon, or Neptune, the god of the
sea. It is logical therefore, if we wish to
change the name of our boat, the first
thing we must do is to purge its name
from the Ledger of the Deep and from
Poseidon’s memory.

This is an involved process beginning with
the removal or obliteration of every trace
of the boat’s current identity. This is
essential and must be done thoroughly. I
once went through the ceremony after the
owner had assured me that every
reference to his boat’s old name had been
purged from her. A couple of weeks later,
he discovered he had missed a faded
name on her floating key chain. I advised
him to start over, perhaps with a little extra libation for the ruler of the sea. Unfortunately, he
declined. Since then, his boat has been struck by lightning, had its engine ruined by the ingress
of the sea, been damaged by collision and finally sunk! It pays to be thorough.

In purging your boat, it is acceptable to use White-Out or some similar obliterating fluid to
expunge the boat’s name from log books, engine and maintenance records etc., but it is much
easier to simply remove the offending document from the boat and start afresh. Don’t forget
the life rings and especially the transom and forward name boards. Do not under any
circumstances carry aboard any item bearing your boat’s new name until the purging and
renaming ceremonies have been completed! Once you are certain every reference to her old
name has been removed from her, all that is left to do is to prepare a metal tag with the old
name written on it in water-soluble ink. You will also need a bottle of reasonably good
Champagne. Plain old sparkling wine won’t cut it.

Since this is an auspicious occasion, it is a good time to invite your friends to witness and to

Begin by invoking the name of the ruler of the deep as follows:

Oh mighty and great ruler of the seas and oceans, to whom all ships and we who
venture upon your vast domain are required to pay homage, implore you in your
graciousness to expunge for all time from your records and recollection the name (here
insert the old name of your vessel) which has ceased to be an entity in your kingdom.
As proof thereof, we submit this ingot bearing her name to be corrupted through your
powers and forever be purged from the sea. (At this point, the prepared metal tag is
dropped from the bow of the boat into the sea.)

In grateful acknowledgment of your munificence and dispensation, we offer these
libations to your majesty and your court. (Pour at least half of the bottle of Champagne
into the sea from East to West. The remainder may be passed among your guests.)

It is usual for the renaming ceremony to be conducted immediately following the purging
ceremony, although it may be done at any time after the purging ceremony. For this portion of
the proceedings, you will need more Champagne, Much more because you have a few more
gods to appease.

Begin the renaming by again calling Poseidon as follows:

Oh mighty and great ruler of the seas and oceans, to whom all ships and we who
venture upon your vast domain are required to pay homage, implore you in your
graciousness to take unto your records and recollection this worthy vessel hereafter and
for all time known as (Here insert the new name you have chosen), guarding her with
your mighty arm and trident and ensuring her of safe and rapid passage throughout her
journeys within your realm.

In appreciation of your munificence, dispensation and in honor of your greatness, we
offer these libations to your majesty and your court. (At this point, one bottle of
Champagne, less one glass for the master and one glass for the mate are poured into
the sea from West to East.)

The next step in the renaming ceremony is to appease the gods of the winds. This will assure
you of fair winds and smooth seas. Because the four winds are brothers, it is permissible to
invoke them all at the same time, however, during the ceremony; you must address each by

Begin in this manner:

Oh mighty rulers of the winds, through whose power our frail vessels traverse the wild
and faceless deep, we implore you to grant this worthy vessel (Insert your boat’s new
name) the benefits and pleasures of your bounty, ensuring us of your gentle
ministration according to our needs.

(Facing north, pour a generous libation of Champagne into a Champagne flute and fling
to the North as you intone:) Great Boreas, exalted ruler of the North Wind, grant us
permission to use your mighty powers in the pursuit of our lawful endeavors, ever
sparing us the overwhelming scourge of your frigid breath.

(Facing west, pour the same amount of Champagne and fling to the West while
intoning:) Great Zephyrus, exalted ruler of the West Wind, grant us permission to use
your mighty powers in the pursuit of our lawful endeavors, ever sparing us the
overwhelming scourge of your wild breath.

(Facing east, repeat and fling to the East.) Great Eurus, exalted ruler of the East Wind,
grant us permission to use your mighty powers in the pursuit of our lawful endeavors,
ever sparing us the overwhelming scourge of your mighty breath.

(Facing south, repeat, flinging to the South.) Great Notus, exalted ruler of the South
Wind, grant us permission to use your mighty powers in the pursuit of our lawful
endeavors, ever sparing us the overwhelming scourge of your scalding breath.

Of course, any champagne remaining will be the beginnings of a suitable celebration in honor of
the occasion.

Once the ceremony has been completed, you may bring aboard any and all items bearing the
new name of your vessel. If you must schedule the painting of the new name on the transom
before the ceremony, be sure the name is not revealed before the ceremony is finished. It may
be covered with bunting or some other suitable material.

and 2)

Boat Denaming
by John Vigor

Due to an overwhelming number of requests for copies of John Vigor's Interdenominational
Boat Denaming Ceremony, we are rerunning it again. Now, take care to save this one!

I once knew a man in Florida who told me he'd owned 24 different yachts and
renamed every single one of them.
"Did it bring you bad luck?" I asked.
"Not that I'm aware of," he said. "You don't believe in those old superstitions, do
Well, yes. Matter of fact, I do. And I'm not alone. Actually, it's not so much being
superstitious as being v-e-r-y careful. It's an essential part of good seamanship.
Some years ago, when I wanted to change the name of my newly purchased 31-foot
sloop from Our Way to Freelance, I searched for a formal "denaming ceremony" to wipe the
slate clean in preparation for the renaming. I read all the books, but I couldn't find one. What I
did learn, though, was that such a ceremony should consist of five parts: an invocation, an
expression of gratitude, a supplication, a re-dedication and a libation. So I wrote my own short
ceremony. Vigor's inter-denominational denaming ceremony. It worked perfectly. Freelance
carried me and my family many thousands of deep-sea miles both north and south of the
equator, and we enjoyed good luck all the way. I used the same ceremony recently to change
the name of my newly acquired Santana 22 from Zephyr to Tagati, a Zulu word that means
"magic," or "bewitched." We're hoping she'll sail like a witch when I finally get her in the water
this summer after an extensive refit.
I'll give you the exact wording of Vigor's denaming ceremony, but first you must
remove all physical traces of the boat's old name. Take the old log book ashore, along with any
other papers that bear the old name. Check for offending books and charts with the name
inscribed. Be ruthless. Sand away the old name from the lifebuoys, transom, top-side, dinghy,
and oars. Yes, sand it away. Painting over is not good enough. You're dealing with gods here,
you understand, not mere dumb mortals. If the old name is carved or etched, try to remove it
or, at the very minimum, fill it with putty and then paint over. And don't place the new name
anywhere on the boat before the denaming ceremony is carried out. That's just tempting fate.
How you conduct the ceremony depends entirely on you. If you're the theatrical type,
and enjoy appearing in public in your yacht club blazer and skipper's cap, you can read it with
flair on the foredeck before a gathering of distinguished guests. But if you find this whole
business faintly silly and embarrassing, and only go along with it because you're scared to
death of what might happen if you don't, you can skulk down below and mumble it on your
own. That's perfectly okay. The main thing is that you carry it out. The words must be spoken.
I compromised by sitting in Tagati's cockpit with the written-out ceremony folded
into a newspaper, so that any passerby would think I was just reading the news to my wife,
sitting opposite. Enough people think I'm nuts already. Even my wife has doubts. The last part
of the ceremony, the libation, must be performed at the bow, just as it is in a naming
ceremony. There are two things to watch out for here. Don't use cheap-cheap champagne, and
don't try to keep any for yourself. Buy a second bottle if you want some. Use a brew that's
reasonably expensive, based on your ability to pay, and pour the whole lot on the boat. One of
the things the gods of the sea despise most is meanness, so don't try to do this bit on the
What sort of time period should elapse between this denaming ceremony and a new
naming ceremony? There's no fixed time. You can do the renaming right after the denaming, if
you want, but I personally would prefer to wait at least 24 hours to give any lingering demons
a chance to clear out. (Scroll down for the wording of the ceremony.)


Now you can pop the cork, shake the bottle and spray the whole of the contents on the bow.
When that's done, you can quietly go below and enjoy the other bottle yourself. Incidentally, I
had word from a friend last month that the Florida yachtsman I mentioned earlier had lost his
latest boat, a 22-foot trailer-sailer. Sailed her into an overhead power line. Fried her. She
burned to the waterline. Bad luck? Not exactly. He and his crew escaped unhurt. He was just
very careless. He renamed her, as usual, without bothering to perform Vigor's famous
interdenominational denaming ceremony. And this time, at long last, he got what he deserved.

Vigor's Denaming Ceremony
"In the name of all who have sailed aboard this ship in the past, and in the name
of all who may sail aboard her in the future, we invoke the ancient gods of the
wind and the sea to favor us with their blessing today.
"Mighty Neptune, king of all that moves in or on the waves; and mighty Aeolus
(pronounced EE-oh-lus), guardian of the winds and all that blows before them:
"We offer you our thanks for the protection you have afforded this vessel in the
past. We voice our gratitude that she has always found shelter from tempest and
storm and enjoyed safe passage to port.
"Now, wherefore, we submit this supplication, that the name whereby this vessel
has hitherto been known (_____), be struck and removed from your records.
"Further, we ask that when she is again presented for blessing with another
name, she shall be recognized and shall be accorded once again the selfsame
privileges she previously enjoyed.
"In return for which, we rededicate this vessel to your domain in full knowledge
that she shall be subject as always to the immutable laws of the gods of the wind
and the sea.
"In consequence whereof, and in good faith, we seal this pact with a libation
offered according to the hallowed ritual of the sea."

CLICK HERE for Printable Page of Vigor's Denaming Ceremony
Christening Ceremony
After a boat is denamed, you simply need to rename it using the
traditional christening ceremony, preferably with Queen
Elizabeth breaking a bottle of champagne on the bow, and
saying the words:

"I name this ship ___________ and may she bring fair winds and
good fortune to all who sail on her."

Happy sailing,

Neil Gordon

Re: renaming a boat!

Post by Neil Gordon »

>>It is logical therefore, if we wish to change the name of our boat, the first thing we must do is to purge its name from the Ledger of the Deep and from Poseidon’s memory.<<

The risk is not in the change itself, but the well known precept that badly named boats have a tendency to sink. The fact that a boat is floating soundly is sufficient evidence that the name currently carried is acceptible. Therefore, the risk of changing from a "good" name to a "bad" one. That risk is mitigated by careful consideration of a new name, but also due respect for the old one. Keeping the old name on board, not through accident but through intent, is imperative!!! I compounded the old name off the transom, effectively transfering the name to the rag I was using. That rag, name lovingly absorbed, is carefully stowed on board.

>>Facing north, pour a generous libation of Champagne into a champagne flute and fling to the North as you intone...<<

Do you fling the glass, too, or just the champagne?

Regards, Neil
Cape Dory 28 #167
D. Stump, Hanalei

Re: JP has it all...I didn't know there was THAT much...

Post by D. Stump, Hanalei »


Follow JPs' advice to the letter! I used the second de-naming ceremony, and so far everything is just fine aboard Hanalei! The only thing we did differently was to pour the wine over the stern during the de-naming ceremony and on the bow for the christening ceremony.

D. Stump
Catherine Monaghan

Vigor's Interdenominational Boat Denaming Ceremony, by John

Post by Catherine Monaghan »

Back by popular demand:

<a href="">Vigor's Interdenominational Boat Denaming Ceremony</a>, by John Vigor
M. R. Bober

Re: renaming a boat! A few questions

Post by M. R. Bober »

With regard to rituals referred to by the others:
Should these ceremonies be performed in daylight or is a moon-less night required? Is English an acceptable substitute for the original Greek? Are women/children permitted to view the ritual? Do any of the major religions consider this heresy? Should long robes be worn? Is there any modification to the liturgy for diesel versus gasoline power?
Inquiring minds want to know.
Mitchell Bober
Catherine Monaghan

"48o North" and "Good Old Boat"

Post by Catherine Monaghan »

By the way, John Vigor's boat denaming ceremony was published in the July/Aug 1999 (Issue 7) of "Good Old Boat" in addition to being available online at 48o (that's 48 degrees) North's website:

<a href=""></a>

If you subscribe to "Good Old Boat", look through your back issues and you'll find it.

And don't forget, it's gotta be good champagne, the gods won't tolerate the cheap stuff.

Have fun,
CD32 <a href=" ... ization</a>, #3
Rahway, NJ
Raritan Bay
Catherine Monaghan wrote: Back by popular demand:

<a href="">Vigor's Interdenominational Boat Denaming Ceremony</a>, by John Vigor
Matt Cawthorne

Renaming the boat

Post by Matt Cawthorne »

Just pick a name that the boat will like. If you pick a bad one the boat will try and sink itself. The libation BTW is supposed to be urine from a virgin, not champaigne. Don't bother saving any for yourself. Try not to get caught at the local kindergarten with a specimen cup in your hand. You might get arrested.
I was told that you need to sail the boat backwards out of it's old name and then into it's new one. You have to sail bacwards with the boat pointed directly into the wind for at least one full boat length. It turns out that this is not easy on a Cape dory, but take it from me, it can be done. Motoring does not count, although motoring straight backwards can be more difficult than sailing.

john vigor

Vigor's denaming ceremony

Post by john vigor »

Mike: I used Vigor's Famous Interdenominational Denaming Ceremony (naturally) when I acquired my Cape Dory 25D last year, and I've had nothing but luck ever since. A couple weeks back, after standing by a yacht that had run aground on a sandbank, we sailed into an underwater rock at 5 knots. You wouldn't believe what a noise it makes. It sounded like an explosion down below. But after the initial panic, I realized we weren't making water, so we sailed home very quietly and I had her hauled first thing next day. It turned out to be nothing more than a large scrape at the lower leading edge of the keel, which the yard fixed immediately. The total cost of repairs and hauling was just over half of my insurance deductible. I call that good luck. Some boats I've owned previously would have sunk on the spot.
Catherine Monaghan has kindly posted directions to my denaming ceremony in this thread and I think you'll find it very easy to use, even if (like me) you're a bit embarrassed about invocating ancient gods. I find the champagne helps. And there's nothing to prevent you taking some in advance of the ceremony if it makes you feel better about it.
Good luck,

John Vigor
CD25D "Jabula"
D. Stump, Hanalei

Re: A glass of wine with you Sir, you are correct.....!..nm

Post by D. Stump, Hanalei »

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