Locking Main Hatch From Inside

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Larry Austin

Locking Main Hatch From Inside

Post by Larry Austin »

I'd like to install some kind of latch to lock the main hatch from the inside. Is there a latch/lock made for this? Anyone done this and have any ideas?
Larry Austin

Neil Gordon

Re: Locking Main Hatch From Inside

Post by Neil Gordon »

Any sort of hasp would work... check out the various options at West Marine or equivalent. All you really need is a way to keep the hatch from sliding. You might try the low tech solution that's used to keep sliding doors secure. For the doors, a broomstick in the track keeps the slider from sliding. Same idea would work on the hatch, if you had a way to secure a stick or whatever to hold the hatch closed.

Regards, Neil
Cape Dory 28 #167

Ryan Turner

Low-tech solution -- a stick

Post by Ryan Turner »

As Neil suggests, a simple wooden rod works great. I can lock the slider shut in my CD33 from the inside using one. Wooden blocks are mounted on the slider handle and on the forward inside wall of the companionway. The block on the slider has a 3/4" or so hole drilled in it. The block on the companionway has a "u-shaped" cut out of about the same diameter. All I have to do to lock it is wedge a long stick into the two blocks. Secure as can be.

Yves Feder W1UX

Re: Locking Main Hatch From Inside

Post by Yves Feder W1UX »

Larry Austin wrote: Hi
I'd like to install some kind of latch to lock the main hatch from the inside. Is there a latch/lock made for this? Anyone done this and have any ideas?
Larry Austin

Larry, Personally I really like the CAST BRONZE cabin door hook assemblies you can get from West Marine... you can get them from 1-1/2" to 6" and they are quite attractive.

They used to be made with a swivel at the "non business end" of the hook lever, very attractive; now I think it's just a loop in a ring but it's worth checking West, BOAT/US, Defender or a good supplier of antique cast brass/bronze hardware.

The hooks I have are 4", old style, real solid. Use 'em at home, too!


Larry Austin

Thanks for the Ideas. EOM

Post by Larry Austin »

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