In order to locate the right rebuilt transmission for my CD-33, I need to know the RATIO of said transmission to the engine, a Universal Atomic #5424 - 24 hp, 3 cylinders, whether it be 1 to 1, 2 to 1 or 3 to 1... I do not know this information and it is not specified in the engine manual nor in the CD manual. Does anybody know what this RATIO would be? Need info ASAP. THANKS.
Need Transmission RATIO..!
Moderator: Jim Walsh
Re: Need Transmission RATIO..!
Zeida, I'm pretty sure it's 1:1 and 2:1 in reverse, but if no one has this info at their fingertips or you suspect there is a different transmission in there it is easy to figure out. Crawl down in there with a felt tip pen and make a mark on the flywheel where it hangs down below the bell housing. Then make a mark on the prop shaft behind the tranny (i.e. after it goes through the transmission). Now crank the engine over with the starter one full turn (Open the compression releases first because you don't want the engine to start) until the mark comes around again. Needless to say you don't put your fingers inside belts or let loose clothing hang down while you're turning the engine over. Diesels start without the electric system turned on. While you're cranking the engine over have someone watch the mark on the prop shaft. If the prop shaft goes around one full turn when the flywheel goes around one full turn your ratio is one to one. If the prop shaft goes around twice while the flywheel goes around once your ratio is two to one etc. Now put the shifter in reverse and crank it around again and count the prop shaft revolutions. You'll now have the exact ratio in both gears. If your plates are really bad they might slip a little but usually with no load on the prop they'll hold fine. As I said up top I'm almost certain the gear ratio is 1 to 1 but it has been 7 years since I worked on mine and the brain is slipping a little these days also especially in forward. How about posting your findings on this board for future followers of tranny threads.zeida wrote: CD-33 OWNERS, HELP!
In order to locate the right rebuilt transmission for my CD-33, I need to know the RATIO of said transmission to the engine, a Universal Atomic #5424 - 24 hp, 3 cylinders, whether it be 1 to 1, 2 to 1 or 3 to 1... I do not know this information and it is not specified in the engine manual nor in the CD manual. Does anybody know what this RATIO would be? Need info ASAP. THANKS.
"it is not specified in the engine manual nor in the CD manual."
That's because people put different transmissions on these engines. It's not a bad idea to go to a larger transmission while you're doing this if you've got the room.
Hope this helps.
Re: Need Transmission RATIO..!
Measuring the number of turns of your engine and prop may not be the best alternative at this time because of the clutch slippage.
Usually Hurth transmissions have a placard with the ratios. For instance my transmission (for a CD36) has HB150-2R A=1.88 B=1.95. The raitos are the 1.88 and 1.95 numbers. I have verified this with a strobe. Look around. The placard may have been painted over, but it should be somewhere on the top. If it is painted you may be able to scuff it off. Be careful. You have to think of the prop/engine/transmission as a system. For a given engine there are a number of transmission/prop combinations that will work ok. If different CD owners respond with different ratios make certain that you find out what props they are using.
Measuring the number of turns of your engine and prop may not be the best alternative at this time because of the clutch slippage.
Usually Hurth transmissions have a placard with the ratios. For instance my transmission (for a CD36) has HB150-2R A=1.88 B=1.95. The raitos are the 1.88 and 1.95 numbers. I have verified this with a strobe. Look around. The placard may have been painted over, but it should be somewhere on the top. If it is painted you may be able to scuff it off. Be careful. You have to think of the prop/engine/transmission as a system. For a given engine there are a number of transmission/prop combinations that will work ok. If different CD owners respond with different ratios make certain that you find out what props they are using.
zeida wrote: CD-33 OWNERS, HELP!
In order to locate the right rebuilt transmission for my CD-33, I need to know the RATIO of said transmission to the engine, a Universal Atomic #5424 - 24 hp, 3 cylinders, whether it be 1 to 1, 2 to 1 or 3 to 1... I do not know this information and it is not specified in the engine manual nor in the CD manual. Does anybody know what this RATIO would be? Need info ASAP. THANKS.