typhoon spinnaker gear

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typhoon spinnaker gear

Post by Jim »

I'd like to fine out the specs for the spinnaker gear,(sail, pole, halyard),is it an internal halyard,where does it exit the mast?


Re: typhoon spinnaker gear

Post by sloopjohnl »

most typhoons came with a spinnaker pole track and ring on the front of the mast. above the jib halyard (internal halyard) outlet there should be a tang revited to the mast for a block for an external spinnaker halyard. two cleats, one on either side of the bottom portion of the mast, would be used to secure the halyard. did you ever consider an asymetrical spinnaker? i added one to the sail inventory two years ago. i put a block on the aforementioned tang, ran an external halyard down to one of the aforementioned cleats and that's all the hardware you need other than sheets. if you get an asymmetrical with a downhaul line attached to the tack you will need a block at the stemhead for running the downhaul back to the cockpit.
you can use the extra hole at the stemhead aft of the forestay attachment point. sheets and shackles were added as these do not generally come with the sail. no pole, easy to fly, can be used all the way up to a close reach. great in light air.
Richard Stephens

Typhoon asymmetrical questions

Post by Richard Stephens »

I have been thinking about an asymmetrical spinnaker for my Typoon, Blue Diamond. I am a bit concerned about gybing it. I understand the lazy sheet is lead around the front of the sail in order to gybe "outside", but how do you prevent it from dropping down in front of the boat, and getting swept under the keel?

I was thinking of flying it from the masthead, instead of just above the forestay. My thought was that on a run, this would give it some air outboard of the mainsail leach, so it would set better on a downwind leg, as well as increasing the area. Would this make the sail too big to manage easily?



Re: Typhoon asymmetrical questions

Post by sloopjohnl »

i haven't had any problems with the lazy guy. i just keep enough tension on it that it doesn't fall below the stemhead and the rest of it lays along the sidedeck outside the shrouds. i used the lightest 5/16 braided rope for the sheets. yes you do gybe the spinnaker outside the forestay. do a slow gybe and ease your sheets and let the wind do the rest. in real light air you may have to help it sometimes. the daysailer model flys a masthead spinnaker so if you want to rig one for the weekender i don't see why not. mine has been enough for me, but i also sail alone quite often or with crew who aren't really interested in tackling a big spinnaker. some pictures of the weekender and daysailer show a turnign block at the far aft corners, so this would allow any size spinnaker you want. i just move the genoa lead all the way back on its track and get good sail shape, but i don't use it much for close reaching. you would probably need the corner blocks if you are looking for close reaching trim.
Chris Stump

Re: typhoon spinnaker gear

Post by Chris Stump »

Could you post the luff leach and foot dimensions of the sail you described?



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