help the freshman with spinnaker CD25

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Ryan Puckett

help the freshman with spinnaker CD25

Post by Ryan Puckett »

Hello to this board and special greetings to Jim Hollister. I had posted a few WTB ads on this board for a Ty Weekender. At long last, I'm the proud new owner of a 1974 CD25. Recently, I have been advised by a racing buddy that I should try to get a light spinnaker. I have to admit that I have NO experience with spinnaker headsails. Can anyone advise me as to what type of basic rigging this would require - while the mast is down for the winter. My manual shows only 2 blocks at the masthead - 1 for main halyard, 1 for Jib/genny halyard. I assume a spin would need its own? The boat is about 130 miles away at the moment so I can't go look at it all the time. The spinnaker that was suggested to me was a 1/2 to 3/4 oz. I have searched this board and found some advice such as using the jib/genny sheet cars all the way back on the traveller. I have someone ready to teach me some advanced techniqes and I would like to include a spinnaker among them.
I will be launching in Chicago this spring.
SV sojourner.
Bruce Bett

Re: help the freshman with spinnaker CD25

Post by Bruce Bett »


A Spinnaker is fun and will improve the light air performance of you boat. The masthead on my 77 cd25 has a small bail attached above and before the forstay where the block for the spinnaker halyard is attached. If the 74 does not have one you can get a standard bail. The spinnaker halyard block must be froward of the forestay. You will also need a spinnaker/whisker pole. The larger of the two stock forespars works well for the CD25. Rigging a conventional spinnaker is a little tricky. Get a book or have someone show you. You might consider getting an asemetrical.

Bruce Bett
CD25 #496
Ryan Puckett wrote: Hello to this board and special greetings to Jim Hollister. I had posted a few WTB ads on this board for a Ty Weekender. At long last, I'm the proud new owner of a 1974 CD25. Recently, I have been advised by a racing buddy that I should try to get a light spinnaker. I have to admit that I have NO experience with spinnaker headsails. Can anyone advise me as to what type of basic rigging this would require - while the mast is down for the winter. My manual shows only 2 blocks at the masthead - 1 for main halyard, 1 for Jib/genny halyard. I assume a spin would need its own? The boat is about 130 miles away at the moment so I can't go look at it all the time. The spinnaker that was suggested to me was a 1/2 to 3/4 oz. I have searched this board and found some advice such as using the jib/genny sheet cars all the way back on the traveller. I have someone ready to teach me some advanced techniqes and I would like to include a spinnaker among them.
I will be launching in Chicago this spring.
SV sojourner.
Don Carr

Re: help the freshman with spinnaker CD25

Post by Don Carr »

Ryan Puckett wrote: Hello to this board and special greetings to Jim Hollister. I had posted a few WTB ads on this board for a Ty Weekender. At long last, I'm the proud new owner of a 1974 CD25. Recently, I have been advised by a racing buddy that I should try to get a light spinnaker. I have to admit that I have NO experience with spinnaker headsails. Can anyone advise me as to what type of basic rigging this would require - while the mast is down for the winter. My manual shows only 2 blocks at the masthead - 1 for main halyard, 1 for Jib/genny halyard. I assume a spin would need its own? The boat is about 130 miles away at the moment so I can't go look at it all the time. The spinnaker that was suggested to me was a 1/2 to 3/4 oz. I have searched this board and found some advice such as using the jib/genny sheet cars all the way back on the traveller. I have someone ready to teach me some advanced techniqes and I would like to include a spinnaker among them.
I will be launching in Chicago this spring.
SV sojourner.
I have a 1981 CD25 and I got an asymmetrical spinnaker AKA crusing spinnaker. As in another post you must use the bail at the top of the mast and install a block I used a Schaeffer Series 5 block with 5/16" halyard. I mounted another series 5 block on the bottom of the headstay outboard for the tack line. For sheets use 5/16" line each sheet should be 2.5 times the length of the boat or roughly 65'. I then mounted 2 turning blocks (series 5) on the aft cleats. The sheeting runs outboard of everything aft to the turning blocks with a fair lead forward inside to the winches directly. This describes the basic set up for an asym.
If you choose to go with a symmetrical spin you won't need the turning block at the bow but you will then need a spinnaker pole, a mast eye or track and car, possibly a downhaul and/or topping lift.
In my opinion, I would go with the asym only because it is both a much easier sail to handle plus the spinnaker pole will set you back an additional $100-200. I would recommend highly that your racing buddy crew with you an instruct you on popping and dousing what is about 280- 300 sqft of sail litterally doubles your existing sail area.
If you are interetsed I can mail you the exact setup drawings used on my boat for an asym.
Ed Campbell, CD25 Cassiop

Re: help the freshman with spinnaker CD25

Post by Ed Campbell, CD25 Cassiop »

Ryan Puckett wrote: Hello to this board and special greetings to Jim Hollister. I had posted a few WTB ads on this board for a Ty Weekender. At long last, I'm the proud new owner of a 1974 CD25. Recently, I have been advised by a racing buddy that I should try to get a light spinnaker. I have to admit that I have NO experience with spinnaker headsails. Can anyone advise me as to what type of basic rigging this would require - while the mast is down for the winter. My manual shows only 2 blocks at the masthead - 1 for main halyard, 1 for Jib/genny halyard. I assume a spin would need its own? The boat is about 130 miles away at the moment so I can't go look at it all the time. The spinnaker that was suggested to me was a 1/2 to 3/4 oz. I have searched this board and found some advice such as using the jib/genny sheet cars all the way back on the traveller. I have someone ready to teach me some advanced techniqes and I would like to include a spinnaker among them.
I will be launching in Chicago this spring.
SV sojourner.

I've been running a tri-radial cut 3/4 oz. Lee Sails (Hong Kong) chute for about 15 years. Yep, you'll need a swivel block set on a bale at the masthead and a pair of snatch blocks (or equiv.) as far aft as you can rig them on the quarters. For starters, you might be able to snap them onto the stern mooring cleats. The trick is to have them as far aft and outboard as possible and still have a fair run (no bends around stanchions, etc.) to the winches.

As for asym (cruising chutes) vs. syms (like the tri-radial), it depends on how competitive you want to be. The asym doesn't work dead downwind...but then that's probably the CD25's slowest point of sail (that short waterline hurts when she's level). However, with the huge (relatively) mainsail on the 25, a pole is a necessity (to hold the jib in clear air), even for running a jib wing and wing. Since you'll want a pole with topping lift and downhaul anyway, it's really not part of the decision for
Don Carr

Re: help the freshman with spinnaker CD25

Post by Don Carr »

Ed Campbell, CD25 Cassiopeia wrote:

I've been running a tri-radial cut 3/4 oz. Lee Sails (Hong Kong) chute for about 15 years. Yep, you'll need a swivel block set on a bale at the masthead and a pair of snatch blocks (or equiv.) as far aft as you can rig them on the quarters. For starters, you might be able to snap them onto the stern mooring cleats. The trick is to have them as far aft and outboard as possible and still have a fair run (no bends around stanchions, etc.) to the winches.

As for asym (cruising chutes) vs. syms (like the tri-radial), it depends on how competitive you want to be. The asym doesn't work dead downwind...but then that's probably the CD25's slowest point of sail (that short waterline hurts when she's level). However, with the huge (relatively) mainsail on the 25, a pole is a necessity (to hold the jib in clear air), even for running a jib wing and wing. Since you'll want a pole with topping lift and downhaul anyway, it's really not part of the decision for
The only point I was making to Ryan is that a fullblown topping lift/downhaul and spinnaker pole isn't required for the asym. He could get away with twings and a simple whisker pole probably saving close to $300 on the set up. As far as competitiveness is concerned I agree, you can only drive a 18'6" waterline so fast.


Don Carr
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