Mid Atlantic Hints, Stops, and Crew?

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Mid Atlantic Hints, Stops, and Crew?

Post by cguthrie »

I plan to be sailing down the Atlantic in my 27 in late August and early September. Destination: Charleston. I'm looking for any available free moorings, good anchoring coves, friends, and, possibly, crew to embark anywhere south of NYC. I've never been south of Plymouth Bay so it's all new to me. Since my boat is small and the sea so large and wavy, I'll make short and safe passages along the way and if a hurricane comes I probably will decide not to sail in it. I imagine I'll make most of the passage in the ICW when that is available. Thanks in advance for any ideas.
Cliff Guthrie
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Re: Mid Atlantic Hints, Stops, and Crew?

Post by Squid »

Not an expert by any measure, however one of the spots I have found a great deal of good general info on both anchor spots and mooring is activecaptain.com . I have also found a ton of good info on the net by simple searching, to include recommended books and bridge skeds etc... Sorry cant help much more.
S/V SeaEsta
CD 30 MK II, #31
CDSOA Member #1487
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