Gel Cell vs GolfCart or Regular Batteries

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Gel Cell vs GolfCart or Regular Batteries

Post by zeida »

Will be repowering Bandolera II this coming week, adding a third dedicated battery for the engine. The plan is to have a Group 24 deep cycle on Bank #1 for the engine and two Group 27's for House Bank #2. Am replacing my old altnernator with a new Balmar 140 amp Single output, plus a Balmar MaxCharge "Smart" Regulator, and Sentry Battery Charger to replace my old small Raritan charger. The question is to either go with Gel Cell batteries or not. I hear many pro's and cons on the Gels, that if you take them down to 0 you can not bring them back, etc. Hopefully, they will never go down to 0, but they ARE expensive! Will appreciate comments ASAP, since we are buying all the hardware this week and will be doing the work next week. Thanks. Zeida
Pete Asensio

Re: Gel Cell vs GolfCart or Regular Batteries

Post by Pete Asensio »

Check out the tech notes on the Surrette (Rolls in the US) web page,
They make very high quality (EXPENSIVE) heavy duty lead acid batteries, and their comments re: gel cells and "no maintenance"
batteries are worth reading.
I am planning on replacing my two no-name batteries with Rolls size
Pete (JUNONIA, CD 28 Open power)
Michael Stephano

Re: Gel Cell vs GolfCart or Regular Batteries

Post by Michael Stephano »

After much thought I replaced the gell cells in my boat with 2 series 27 deep cycle for the house and one for the starting battery. The replacement of the gel cells was based on the fact that I had problems with one only 2 years old that would not hold a charge. I have the Balmar set up and charging was done to specs. I am much happier with the present arrangement but if I could afford it would go to multiple 4v surretes/rolls. Although they are more expensive going in you do not have to replace a whole 12v set only the failed cell. 10 year warranty doesnt hurt either.

Re: Gel Cell vs GolfCart or Regular Batteries

Post by John »


You might want to check out: along with for good sources of info.

Remember not all gels are created equal. I think you generally get what you pay for when it comes to batteries. I have had nothing but superb service from gels and highly recommend them from my experience over the last ten years since switching to them.

Re: Gel Cell batteries are rugged and long lasting

Post by Kurt »

I have had the same gel cell grp 27 on my CD26 for several years now...keep it charged with the measley little 10amp alternator equiped 9.9 honda...this battery is rugged and very long lasting...after 4 years of use, it holds a charge just like a new battery..I am extremely pleased with it...even after six months winter storage in my basement it still retains 75% of it's the best marine battery I've owned in 25 years...don't know the brand name but I bought it from Boat U.S.
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