I have what I thought was a nice little pump, but it spewed dirty oil on me and the cabin today.
It looks like this:
I was all set up nicely: cushions out of the way, plastic covering the sole, a round, shallow plastic tray on top of that, shop towels to hand, you probably know the drill. I find this a pretty dicey procedure, holding and pumping and trying to keep the two hoses where they should be, etc.
Anyway, I had great peace of mind until the lower (output) hose gave way under the pumping pressure, and spewed (maybe a cupful). That spew, of course, got me from the knees down, as well as everything else in sight.
Anyway, long dirty story. It's mostly all cleaned up now, but it kind of spoiled my afternoon, and I'm sure there's a better way to do it.
Anybody ready to point me in the right direction?
Maybe something like this, only a bit smaller? It looks steadier and better made anyway.
Or maybe this one - looks like the right size, anybody use one?