Know anyone at Rig-Rite??

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Know anyone at Rig-Rite??

Post by Chuck »

Do any of you know anyone, hopefully the owner, at Rig-Rite? I have talked to the lady in parts asking for prices, faxed the request twice, and still have not received a reply. If I have a name of who to ask for, it may be helpful. It is sad that this is the only place that has Nico-Fico parts.
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Good Luck Chuck

Post by barfwinkle »

The owner/manager used to be a gent by the name of Kim. He is rude and oh so not customer driven. I hate to deal with them period!

Even if you get to order it may take months to get it. Unfortunately neither service nor customer relations is very high on their priority list. There was a thread about Rigrite several years ago and the way i remember it, it trashed them back then as well.

Good Luck

Bill Member #250.
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mike ritenour
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Look someplace else

Post by mike ritenour »

It took me five months to get a part after they had my money.
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Post by seajunkie »

What parts in particular are you looking for? Snatch blocks?
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Gary H
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Post by Gary H »

I read this post with interest as just last week, Rig-rite provided me with what may have been my worst customer service experience ever. The woman who takes the orders was not only rude but she actually hung up on me when I complained about their service. I asked for the name of the owner and she would only tell me "John"
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Post by Chuck »

Well, I know Mike R. and Bill, but not seajunkie & Gary H. But hope to meet you at the annual meeting. I guess this Rig-Rite is just a wash-out. I was hoping to buy some new parts for my traveler and maybe upgrade to an adjustable system, without changing the track. (Which probably will not come off easily). So, Gary, I am looking for the adjustable stop and the end stop, but I was also seriously considering buy the parts to convert the system to an adjustable one. I believe i can make the end stop, so... And the "lady" that hung up on you is Megan, who I have also dealt with before. So, I will take Rich A. advice and look into the Garhare system.
Thanks so much. I am done with this!!!
Will Wheatley
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Post by Will Wheatley »

I remember the discussion from a few years ago and I must say my experience with them must have been a total fluke. I ordered and payed for a tiller strap and received it a few days later. That was several years ago though. Maybe the key is not to expect any interaction. Order the part and don't ask any questions.
Not the ideal situation by any means but I can only relay my experience.

Happy Sailoring~~~~/)~~~~
Will Wheatley, CDSOA
Sailing The Bay near Chesapeake Beach, MD
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Post by seajunkie »

Just so rumors don't start, I haven't had to try to use them yet.

I was just asking what parts he was looking for to see if we could help him locate the nicro-fico part he is seeking.

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Mike Wainfeld
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Post by Mike Wainfeld »

Like Will, the two times I have ordered from Rig-Rite, last time about 3 yrs ago, I have not had any problems. I ordered by fax, never spoke to anyone, and received the proper part on time.
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worked for me!

Post by NevisTyphoon »

I ordered several parts from them for my Ty project at two different times, and it went swimmingly. Got my parts promptly, too. Musta been the right phase of the moon.
Chris Thompson
Nevis, West Indies

Greatness is not in where we stand, but in what direction we are moving. We must sail sometimes with the wind and sometimes against it-but sail we must, and not drift, nor lie at anchor
Oliver Wendell Holmes
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