Improvements on CD 28 bow plank/anchor roller?

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Tom Young

Improvements on CD 28 bow plank/anchor roller?

Post by Tom Young »

Have the plank with the 4" roller. It holds our 25 lb CQR, but
I have to lead the rode through a bow chock and then secure to a cleat. The roller is too wide and flat causing the rode to slam
back and forth as the boat swings. I have to lash the shank of the CQR to the plank if we anticipate a sea.
Was thinking of replacing the roller with a "v" shape, I guess this
is a bow roller on a boat trailer. This will require some reworking
of the plank. I am considering rebuilding and extending out around the
CQR to contain it through a slot. Would be fairly simple and not add any stress as the roller would be the same distance out or less to support the rode. This arangement would be safer for containing the CQR in a sea. Has anyone done something like this?
Patrick Turner

Re: Improvements on CD 28 bow plank/anchor roller?

Post by Patrick Turner »

Have you considered replacing the current bow roller assembly with one that will capture both the rode when at anchor and the shaft of the anchor when at sea? Sparan Marine has a and assembly that will do just that. It's a little larger that your current set-up and so will require that you "hog-out" the slot that captures the roller, but it shouldn't be much. There is also an anchor shaft bracket that mounts on the bowsprit and will recieve the end of the anchor shaft. You may have to wait 4 weeks for the part (don't believe they have a bunch just laying around). Try checking out the website (look under "where to find" in the CCD menu) or give them a call. #800-325-3287
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