denaming ceremony one must use "virgin" urine!! I walked the docks of Mystic CT for days trying to find a supplier, the only source I could find was West Marine, and they wanted $1500.00 an ounce! So, we settled on the chardonnay, with apparently good results.D. Stump, Hanalei wrote: Clay,
If you do a search at the top of the page on "Denaming", you will get 15 results. Click on number 4, a post by Catherine Monaghan on 8/30/00, click on her website, and viola! John Vigor's denaming ceremony will appear.
I think this will answer all of your questions.
Oh, by the way, we did not use champagne for the denaming, we used a good chardonnay! But I had heard that for a truly effective
Virgin urine? Now I've heard everything....I'll be spending the rest of my life looking for a good deal on that stuff....I'm now having second thoughts about changing the name...what's on there really isn't that bad.....better than sinking.D. Stump, Hanalei wrote: Isn't this board something....??????
Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30
Clay Stalker
CD27 #247