Removing vinyl graphics

Discussions about Cape Dory, Intrepid and Robinhood sailboats and how we use them. Got questions? Have answers? Provide them here.

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Clay Stalker

Re: Clay, Vigor's Interdenominational Boat Denaming Ceremony

Post by Clay Stalker »

D. Stump, Hanalei wrote: Clay,
If you do a search at the top of the page on "Denaming", you will get 15 results. Click on number 4, a post by Catherine Monaghan on 8/30/00, click on her website, and viola! John Vigor's denaming ceremony will appear.

I think this will answer all of your questions.

Oh, by the way, we did not use champagne for the denaming, we used a good chardonnay! But I had heard that for a truly effective
denaming ceremony one must use "virgin" urine!! I walked the docks of Mystic CT for days trying to find a supplier, the only source I could find was West Marine, and they wanted $1500.00 an ounce! So, we settled on the chardonnay, with apparently good results.
D. Stump, Hanalei wrote: Isn't this board something....??????

Dave Stump
Captain Commanding
s/v Hanalei CD-30
Virgin urine? Now I've heard everything....I'll be spending the rest of my life looking for a good deal on that stuff....I'm now having second thoughts about changing the name...what's on there really isn't that bad.....better than sinking.

Clay Stalker
CD27 #247
Larry DeMers

Re: You folks have scared the bejesus out of me

Post by Larry DeMers »

Be at peace..I talked with a guy who knows someone that dates Neptunes second cousin, and he said that Neptune has gotten rather lax about this traditions enforcement. ;^)

As to the name change..the US Coast Guard does not care what hailing port is displayed on the boat, **as long as it agrees with THE NAME THEY SHOW ON THEIR RECORDS**! -and is of the correct size. My hailing port is the town we lived in, in another state-7 years ago! I called and talked with the CG at two locatioins and the answer was the same. When they say that they want you to update the name in a timely manner, they refer to getting the name and ownership papers taken care of (assuming it's indeed a documented boat). Lets say that you own the boat for 2 years, then move to another state. You must change the address on a timely manner (the penalty is pissed off CG boarding party members..NOT GOOD), but the name and hailing port on the boat can stay the same if you want. It costs around $110 to change either name or hailing port I believe.
So if this is a new to you boat, then you need to register your ownership with the CG, and then tell them the name and hailing port you will use. It can be anything you want within propriety...including the name and hailing port currently on the transom.

Hope this helps...but you might want to offer a dram of grog to Neptune the next time out...just in case.


Larry DeMers
s/v DeLaMer
Cape Dory 30

dave low wrote: I am nearly frozen with panic....My first boat (a Cape Dory of course)and it appears that I may be upsetting Neptune already.

The Coast Guard says that I need to update the hailing port in a timely fashion. I love the name (Second Wind - a CD30) and have no plans on changing it but do need to officially move her to a new "home".

Will Neptune be pissed when I change her port ? Is there any godly appeasements that are in order?
John R.

Re: Removing vinyl graphics

Post by John R. »

Clay Stalker wrote: I have recently purchased a CD27 and am planning to change the name.
Any suggestions on how to remove the old name and hailing port without damaging or scratching the gel coat?? Many thanks, and I am greatly enjoying this site...
You can use a special rubber disc, (a latex type of rubber) that is available from auto body supply shops. It is used with a drill. The rubber disc is about 1/2" - 5/8" thick and about 3" or 4" in diameter. Use it at a fast rpm. It turns the vinyl lettering or stripes into a particulate and just brushes away. Afterward you may have a spot or two of left over adhesive residue. To remove it just get a can of Naptha from a hardware store or a can of lighter fluid (same thing). Use a clean rag and flip the rag after each wipe so you don't just smear the adhesive around. Just wipe the area a few times and then wax it. If the gelcoat where the vinyl was doesn't match the surrounding faded gel area then try and wet sand the general area while feathering the old exposed faded gel to the newer gel where the vinyl was. Usually you just have to wait until the newly uncovered gel fades to match the old.
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